Just Another Man

Twenty Three

“WE’RE FREE!” Sarah screamed running through the gates of Huntington High and launching herself at her boyfriend who was standing a few meters away; everyone else saw the accident coming and edged away. Zack hit the floor first; unprepared for his, extremely light, but very energetic girlfriend to jump on him.

Scarlet, George and Taylor both gazed over at Sarah who was now sprawled out on top of a crumpled Zack before smirking.
“Bet she’s in hospital by the end of summer,”

“I bet Zack is!” Taylor smirked, laughing as Sarah attempted to stand up but her arm was caught under Zack so she fell back on top of him. There was a faint groan from Zack who obviously was not going to bother moving.

Scarlet could not help but smile, even if Sarah had just floored her boyfriend they were still an amazingly cute couple, as were Taylor and George. Scarlet’s eyes flickered between the two couples, she could not deny that was one of the biggest things she missed about being in a relationship, having someone to hug when the end of the day came.

She kept telling herself it was the relationship she was missing, not the person in it. Though as each day had passed, during the revision period, the exams and now at the end of her year, she could not help but question what she missed the most. Then she would simply remind herself, Matt broke her heart.

“Matt’s here,” She heard Zack mutter to Sarah as the pair stood up, obviously hoping Scarlet would not hear him. “We’re going in his car, while Jimmy’s got the van,” He added, Scarlet kept her gaze down on the floor not wanting anyone to make a fuss like they usually did.

The group of friends had met numerous times since Matt and Scarlet had “officially” broken up. Though there never seemed to be a whole group, Scarlet would only go if Brian was going, or if the Taylor and Sarah were already with her, so she had no choice. Though it seemed Matt only came out if Rhian and, or Jimmy were there. Scarlet just presumed it was because in the whole thing Rhian had not spoken a word to Scarlet, so she was probably completely on Matt’s side. Though deep down Scarlet knew no one had really picked sides or anything, they just wanted to sweep what happened under the mat and carry on with the old group dynamic.

The old group dynamic before Matt and Scarlet had got together, before Matt had been so horrible about her.

Though she kept telling herself it was all behind her now; and it was. Scarlet had something new to focus on, not a guy, something bigger. She had yet to tell anyone, not her parents, her brother or the girls; but she wanted to announce it soon. Scarlet wanted to announce her news when it would have the most impact on the people surrounding her.

She kind of had a plan.

“Hey guys you ready for the beach?” Scarlet heard Rhian’s voice over the chatter around her, she was leant up against the front of Jimmy’s van, dressed in shorts, a bikini top and a cropped denim jacket around her shoulders, while stood next to her was a more tanned body of Niki. Scarlet couldn’t help but smile, the difference in the two girls was extraordinary, Rhian was pale with redish brown hair, while Niki was totally tanned with black hair.

“What ya smirking at Haner?” Scarlet looked up hearing Niki speak to her, it had to be her she was the only Haner around at the moment; Brian would probably already be down the beach.

“You two,” She muttered. “She’s like a ghost and you’re almost black,” Niki chuckled as Rhian looked up with a small smile; Scarlet knew she wouldn’t take offence but half her almost wanted an argument with Rhian. There was something that was just really bugging her.

“Your with us,” Rhian smiled nodding her head towards the van. “You have my sympathy already,”

“Ha! I quite like the van,” Scarlet said looking over to Jimmy with a smile, which he of course returned.

“Right so are we going?”

“We’re going,” Taylor nodded agreement, appearing from behind with George holding her hand. “Are we with you guys?”

“Nah you’re in Matt’s car,” Scarlet tried not to react to his name and then the sound of his voice as he spoke up, though she knew she’d looked straight at him. He appeared in front of his car, just a pair of surf shorts, flip flops and a sleeveless t-shirt covering his tanned skin. He looked as amazing as ever, no one , not even Scarlet could deny Matt looked good. Though she diverted her gaze to the floor and waited for Jimmy to say they could get in the van.

“Your brother, the Berry’s, Johnny and Lynnz are already down there,” She heard Niki tell her. “You sure you want to come? Your looking a bit off,”

“Cheers,” Niki just rolled her eyes at Scarlet’s snappy response.

“Hey I’m just saying sug,”


“Yeah whatever, get in the van, decide what you want to do,” Niki muttered back shaking her head as Scarlet dragged herself towards the van. Niki did not see how Scarlet’s mood could change so suddenly, from laughing at Sarah to suddenly being all bitter and moody; Matt must have really cut her up.

It was almost sad.

The ride down to the beach was full of mindless chatter from Jimmy, Rhian and Niki, while Scarlet sat in silence starring down at her hands. Every now and then someone would ask her something, or try to drag her into the conversation but she would just give a short reply and fall back into silence.

“I say we hold it at Rhian’s,”

“Oh do you now,” Rhian muttered back to Niki, the two were discussing the next big party they wanted to hold. It was nearing the end of their term and that meant they’d both be back in Huntington Beach for most of the summer, Niki was planning on picking up her old job at a restaurant on the sea front, while Rhian had a list of summer tutoring jobs she wanted. Though both girls planned to spend the summer enjoying themselves as much as possible between the work. Scarlet remembered last summer, their first summer back from college, and how much both girls had changed but were still themselves; it was so odd. She knew that would not happen to them this year, but she predicted they had both stepped up the partying some what.

It made Scarlet wonder what she’d be like the first summer she came back from college, or even what Sarah and Taylor would be like. Would everything change when the youngest girls of the group left for college?

She had not even spoke to Sarah or Taylor about college. Were they even planning on going?
They must have applied by now, why could she not remember if they had!

“Deep in thought little Haner?” Scarlet looked up to Jimmy, she hadn’t even realised the van had stopped and everyone had got out. She nodded sheepishly going to open her door but Jimmy did it for her. “Thinking of anything good?”

“Just stuff,”

“Ah my favourite kind of anything good,” He replied, confusing Scarlet slightly. “Right shall we hit the beach babe?” Scarlet chuckled as he offered her his hand. “Come on, you know you wanna get wet!”

“Only with you!” Scarlet laughed as he winked at her.

“That’s what all the girls say,” He chuckled pulling her into one of his big hug, literally engulfing her in his arms and holding her tightly. She hugged him back snuggling into his chest. When you felt like a hug to pick you up and make you feel so much better, Jimmy was the one to go to. “You sure you’re alright sugar plum?” Scarlet chuckled into his chest, letting go and nodding.

“I will be,” Jimmy glanced down watching her for a few seconds.

“I’m always around if ya need a good bitch!” Scarlet nodded, knowing Jimmy was just as bad as any girl when it came to bitching.

“Thanks,” Scarlet muttered turning her gaze back down to the group of friends on the beach. “But at the moment, ya know what?”


“I think I’m going to be okay,”

Well that was a change. Scarlet heard the words come out of her mouth before she had even thought about it; then again she also knew what her future had in store. There was a good chance Scarlet Haner could easily get over Matthew Sanders now she had a plan.

She just needed a time and a place for her plan to shape, and she would be fine.

Though she had an idea just what event might provide the perfect time.

Scarlet felt Jimmy tugging on her hand slightly obviously she was not walking down to the beach fast enough for his liking. She could also see her brother running up the golden sand towards the pair.

“Oi Sullivan what are you doing to my sister!” Same old protective brother.

“Nothing, that’s more Ma-” Jimmy stopped himself from finishing his obviously stupid sentence. “Nothing,” He repeated more strongly this time letting go of Scarlet’s hand and not even looking at her. He obviously felt guilty for what he had nearly said, while Scarlet bit her lip looking away from both guys. Brian was glaring at Jimmy who just slopped away quickly, towards Rhian, Niki and the rest of the group.

“You alright kid?”

“Of course,” Scarlet looked up, slapping on a large, cheesy, fake smile. Brian just nodded wrapping an arm around his little sisters shoulder and pulling her towards him. “You?”

“Oh yeah,” He nodded, a real smile covering his face. “Niki is bullying Rhian into holding the next party, it’s fucking funny to watch,”

“Excellent I could do with the entertainment!” She noticed the quizzical look on her brothers face. “2 hours of maths today, nearly broke my heart!” Scarlet chuckled, nudging Brian with her hip. “Let’s go watch this unfold,” She added gesturing to the group sat on the sand.

“We know how this will end,” Zacky Baker muttered as the two Haner siblings appeared at his side. He was stood up on the sand, a beer in one hand while Sarah sat cross legged on the floor in front of him, her back against his leg. The pair looked as if they were at a sporting event, watching the big of the season being played in front of them. “And yet watching the argument unfold is fucking classic comedy every time,”


“Oh come on you have the back garden,” Niki groaned, the same reason came up every time. Rhian’s house was nothing amazingly special, however it had a brilliant back garden that was her mums pride and joy; it was also perfect for party’s. “You have the free house!” Another positive point, and good argument for Niki’s case. “And finally, you cant leave early to have sex with your boyfriend,”

“I have never done that!” Rhian snapped indignantly. “You on the other hand, want me to hold the party so you can do just that!”

“I do not!” Niki snapped back, looking hurt by such an accusation. “Come on Rhian’s next weekend that’s all, one time thing!”

“It’s never a-”

“We’ll hold,”

“We will what?” Brian snapped turning to his little sister in shock.

“We will hold the party, I mean we have a free house next weekend, we have the space, the garden might not be Rhian’s but it’s close, and not far for everyone to travel! We should,” Scarlet explained, she knew everyone was looking at her, but it didn’t matter she wanted this to happen. She knew Matt was starring at her in shock, she’d always complained about the mess and effort party’s cause.

It was all part of her wonderful plan.

“Brian?” Niki asked hopefully, Scarlet just smirked knowing he’d have to give into his girlfriend.

“I vote the Haner’s house!” Rhian spoke up quickly, nudging Jimmy who also nodded in agreement.

“Brian!” Niki repeated smiling sweetly at him, as she wondered over and wrapped her arms around his body leaning up to kiss his lips softly.

“Oh damn it women! Fine!”

“Party at ours! All welcome!” Scarlet clapped excitedly, glancing around the group her gazed paused on Matt who was watching her carefully. He raised his eyebrows at her before taking a swig of his newly opened beer.

She knew he’d be there.
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Its taken me a week to update...I'm so unorganized!
Enjoy! =) xx