Love Doesn't Just Happen. It Takes You by Suprise and Doesn't Let Go


5 years later (12th grade)

*Wow, what a great day!* I thought sarcastically. The sun was out, and I hate the sun. *Time to get out the old super power sun block…* I thought glumly as I crawled out of bed. I am not what you call a morning person. Then I remembered today was my 17th birthday.

*Yes! Almost there! AND I get my car today!* I did a mini victory dance in the middle of my cluttered room. Then I felt the sun’s warmth slowly starting to creep over my back, filling me with that comforting feeling you get when you sunbathe. I ran to my window and closed the bloody red curtains.

As I was about to pick out my clothes for the day, I remembered what day it was. *Saturday! Even better! Now if only the sun would disappear…* unfortunately, it didn’t as I had hoped. Oh well. Maybe another day.

I hopped down the stairs to find my dad, Patrick, hunched over his bowl of Captain Crunch. I never called him dad. Ever since I was a kid that’s what I called him, Patrick. His thick red hair was gaining some grey in it, and only just now I noticed he had a growing belly. *Funny….I thought Patrick was fitter than that. He was in the military for some time…*

He liked for me to be presentable and clean whenever he saw me, so I smoothed out my black flannel pants and my grey tank top. Walking quietly, I approached Patrick. “Good morning Patrick. How’s the crunch today?” I ask politely.

He straightened up, and dabbed at his mouth with a napkin. He turned to me, his grey eyes showing no emotion. His voice had a smile in it though. “It is very good Amelia, thank you. But, I wouldn’t worry about my crunch today. I’d worry more about the roar of an engine, wouldn’t you?”

I jumped up and down. But I stopped when Patrick frowned at me. “I certainly would Patrick. When do we leave?” I asked excitedly. *It’s not like I can even try to hide that from Patrick….he catches everything I’m feeling*

“We leave in one hour, plenty of time for you to primp and preen.” He got up and put his empty bowl in the sink. Wiping his hands on a towel, he added, “We’ll start at a used car lot, and work our way up to a new car dealership if we really have to. Mind you, I’ll be scouring every car on those lots. If one of them is good enough, and you like it, that’s the one you’re getting, got it?”

*Grump.* “You bet Patrick!” I grinned.

“Good girl. Now go get ready. It’s almost 11. I’ll meet you in the car at 11:45.” And he retreated to his study down the hall.

I grabbed a banana and chocolate bar (my normal breakfast) and made my way up the stairs quietly, as to not disturb Patrick. I ate in my room, savoring the chocolate. *Mmmm….so yummy. I never get tired of the taste of chocolate do I? Nope…I bet I never will. I’m glad though…then I’d be like a freak and that’s not a good thing…wow I do this a lot! I guess when I’m excited I talk on and on and on a lot in my head…I like cheese!*

After my head conversation I picked out my clothes. I threw on the first thing I found, which happened to be my favorite jeans and my Misfits tee. I straightened my hair, which I rarely do. My bangs and shoulder length black hair looked really nice that way. I just never had the time to do it.

**Whatever. You have the time. It’s bad to lie to yourself. You don’t have any friends, so all you do is homework and spend time in your room.**

*What?! You! Go away! Stop it!*

**Ha! As if. I can never go away. I am a part of you….unfortunately. You really do need a life you know. Get a boyfriend.**

*Why you little…whatever. Go away. Besides, what guy would want to date me? I don’t even know any guys!*

**Don’t know any girls either.**

*Shut up! Go the frick away!*

**Whatever…you know I’m right though…**

I finished my hair, and applied my make up. I don’t do a lot, unlike other girls. I just apply eyeliner. Sometimes if I want to look nice, I make my eyes smoky, which makes my grey eyes really stand out. Today I made my eyes smoky. *What the hell. It’s not like you’ll see anyone from school…they’re probably all partying.*

After checking over my look, I ran down the stairs to find Patrick in the car. Just in time. I climbed into his old Ford pick up and we drove out of the driveway. When we were on the main street, I ask him, “So…where do we start first?”

He thought a moment. “I think we should start at John’s. Then we can go to the Marie Street used car lot if John’s doesn’t work out. I have about 2 other car lots in mind too before we go to the dealership. Okay?”

“Okay.” And then we were silent.
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okay...sooo since mibba doesnt allow italics or boldfont (or i'm just too stupid to figure out how to do that case, please comment or message me or SOMETHING, because it's really important for my story that i be able to show when she'd thinking or not...this is first person after all..) anyways. *this kind of writing, inside the stars, is when amelia or whichever character, is thinking*....**and this kind, with the double stars, is bold writing, when i'm emphasizing or when amelia or her conscience is responding to her**

by the way, i relllly hate doing those little doody things..i think it makes th story look so terrible looking...Dx
bear with me. please♥