All These Scattered Dreams

Is She Dreaming What I'm Thinking?


As I rushed to get out the door, I had forgotten my phone on the kitchen table. I sped back through the house to retrieve it, putting my jacket on at the same time. I kissed both of my parents on the cheek before heading out the door and into my car. It was brand new and bought with my own money. Yes, I'm twenty-two and still living with my parents. After my last boyfriend screwed me over five months ago, I had nothing left but supportive friends and caring parents with open arms.

It was now ten past noon and I was supposed to meet my friend at the coffee shop in five minutes; it was a ten minute drive. Halfway there, she called. I was stuck at a red light that was a few blocks away. With California traffic, there were horns beeping every other second. Growing up here, you get used to the noise.

"I'm almost there," I said and hung up. The red light changed to green and, with being the first one at the intersection, I sped through to the other side before the light could change again.

I finally pulled into the parking lot and ran inside. At first I didn't see her but I then looked at our usual spot. She had at a table in the far, left corner with a coffee in front of her and another sitting in front of an empty chair. I sighed, throwing my purse down to my side and walked over to her.

"I'm so sorry," I said as I sat down. My coffee hardly had any steam left.

"Don't worry about it." She took a drink. "So how've you been?"

"Stressed," I blurted out. "Thomas doesn't give a shit anymore, my dreams are wack every night, and my parents insist that I go back to school."

"Alexa, Thomas hasn't given a shit for five months now. He's a loser." I nodded, agreeing with her. "And what are these dreams?" I now shook my head.

"They're nothing." She gave me 'that' look that friends gave you when they know you're lying. "Alright. I'll tell you." We both took another drink of our coffee and situated ourselves in our seats.


"One more time and it's a wrap," I said as I plugged my Gibson into the amp. The guys groaned and got set. We'd been here for a good five hours so far.

"What song?" Mike asked. I turned to look at him.

"Holiday," I said and began playing. Tre joined in with the drums and I could tell that he was pissed. Suddenly, the buzzer went off in the studio and Rob was telling us to stop playing.

"Mike has a call," he said into the microphone from the other side of the soundproof glass. He put his bass on the rack and went to grab the phone off the wall.

"Let's just call it a night," I said, unhooking everything and set my guitar down. Tre shot up and speed walked through the door as he quickly said 'goodbye'. Mike then hung up the phone and came to me, putting one hand on my shoulder. I looked at him.

"Billie, I know you're striving to get this album done," he started. "But you're working too hard. We've only been at it for a year. We have time."

"But... this album need to be our best. I mean, 'Shenanigans' was not our greatest."

"I know that, but you're stressing us all out. Look at Tre." I sighed. "Just take a break is all I'm saying." Mike grabbed his belongings and started to head out. "I'll see you later. Be sure to lock everything up when you leave."

Mike then left and Rob did too soon after him, leaving me alone in the studio. The silence freaked me out a little bit. The guys didn't know about my constant 3:00AM dreams. Honestly, they were stressing me out just as much as making the new album was.

I turned of all the devices, locked the safes with all our material in it, and opened the door that led to the parking lot; my car was right in front of me. I took one last look around the studio, my eyes landed on 'Blue', my most prized posession: a guitar that my dad gave me when I was ten. I then headed out the door, locking the studio door behind me.
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I like this one. :D

xoxo- Adie