

I'm not particularly sure what to write. This is more a journey of self-discovery for myself, than for anyone, or anything else. Figuring out my flaws, and, although not necessarily doing anything to change them, it would be good to recognise them. On starting this blog, I've found myself recently single, and it made me wonder. How do other people perceive me? Right, so we'll start with the first impressions.

I'm fairly average height. Larger than the majority of people (I prefer the term curvacious), boobs on the extra large side. I'm loud, and brash. People would say that I'm blunt to the point of cuntishness, though I suppose that doesn't necessarily count as a first impression, unless we're having an impromptu political debate, or something similar. A friend of mine (whom I love very dearly), introduced me to someone she knows, and I was then subject to comments on my breasts, for the remainder of the day. This has happened a few times, making me jump to the conclusion if all men are chauvinistic tosspots.

Lets add some facts about me in here, shall we?
First off, I'm intelligent. I know this, and I'm a bit up-my-own arse, in the sense that I can't stand idiots. Verbally, I'm articulate, and I sound (sometimes) like a well-spoken toff. I was educated at a selective grammar school, however brought up on a Shameless-style council estate in North London. I miss that accent. :(

Anyway. I'm getting off track here. The point of this blog is for me to document my faults. However, we've had the introductions. That will do, for now. (: