

At last :D
Hmm. I don't particularly know what to write, this time. I know that I like to annoy people, and sometimes, well, a lot of the time, I annoy people unintentionally. Thing is, people are funny when they're angry, and this gives me half the incentive to start them off in the first place. I have someone I knwo, who seems to think you have to have the person who adds you on msn delete you, before you can delete them, and so every time they get annoyed with me, they try to insist I delete them, and I refuse, which seems to wind them up to no end. Oops.

Ah well. I'm a marmite-y sort of person - you love me, or you hate me. I'm your best friend, or someone you despise, and it's that simple. It's not something that I intend to happen, it just does. Friends are for life, not just christmas and birthdays, so I don't believe in having false friends - if you don't like someone, tell them. Surely it's ever-so-slightly more decent to let them know, than bullshit?
Other than that, I don't choose my friends. My friends pick me, and a lot of people seem to dislike me. I'm still trying to figure this one out. Not sure if it's because I'm strong-willed, and don't belong in a flock of people following a leader, or just if my bluntness can be mistaken as rudeness. Either way, it's up to them. No-one forces you to like anyone, in this world. Try telling the people pleasers, though.
I'm knackered tonight. Been trying to look at ways to get to go to Sonisphere especially for Pendulum, and Rammstein. Mm, I'm in, even if I have to blow someone to get in ahaha.
Newly found singledom seems to be working well for me. I don't have to look out for anyone except for number one, and this means my decisions actually get to be MINE, and not based on "what would he/she think?" all the time. I do things because I want to do them, and I can't stand people attempting to stop me. I'm selfish, and stubborn enough to do as I please, not what pleases anyone else.

I think there ends my rant for today. By the way, to anyone actually having read this - I'm not sure if this blog will ever get to the root of my crap, but it's a good vent, and a good laugh for me, so who cares? Just thought it might be good to point that out...
Over and out, you lovely blogging freaks. :D