

Lesbians. Everyone needs at least one!

Hmm. So, I can't sleep, and therefore decided to write a blog. Today's subject? Lesbians.

I love lesbians. I mean, I adore them. Seriously. A fair amount of them seem to bisexual men, and women, as greedy, but there are some who aren't fussed either way, and personally, I think they're damn amazing creatures. They're so attractive, too! I spend way too much time, looking at them. Mmm, yes please!

I understand this has nothing to do with my journey of self-discovery, however, it's slowly dawning on me that the fact of the matter is this: I'm a cunt, but the majority of modern women are, these days. Men who don't want the kind of women who can take charge of their own life see women like me as total cunts, because we don't live in the kitchen, and spend more than we should on shoes. So what? Get over it. Life will carry on, even if you don't, and there's no way in hell I'm changing anything about myself, for someone. No matter how big his appendage. :D

To summarise: If anyone dislikes a strong willed, outspoken, confident, and fairly intelligent woman, chances are, they're either a chauvinist, or a misogynist, and should therefore be avoided by women at all costs!

Now- back to lesbians, please? I'm starting to think I prefer them to me, bitchiness and all. I mean, looking at things logically, any problems I have in life, my female friends help me deal with. They're empathic, fun, and enjoy shopping (most of them, anyway), so what's not to like?! I may well have to invest myself a lovely t-shirt.. "Dip me in chocolate, and feed me to the lesbians!" seems fairly appropriate. More ramblings soon, for anyone who actually likes reading my (hardly!) well thought out strings of crap, usually mumbled under my breath as they're typed up!