

First off - I got my ears pierced, and one of my tattoos covered this week. I was more scared of the piercings, with the silly little gun, than having my wrist cut open, and carved. both look really good, as far as I'm concerned. No picture of piercings, as yet, but still.

A fair amount of new stuff has happened since I last updated. This is still for my own record, rather than anyone in particular, but my feelings towards it have changed. I'm no longer trying to prove I'm a cunt, or whatever - I've realised that I'm not changing, and people will have to like it, or lump it, if I am or not.

Moving swiftly onwards, an update of my life. (:
An old friend of mine got back in touch. Let's call him S, for his nickname, rather than his first name. I do so like my blog being anonymous :D

So S and I used to get along really well. We'd talk a lot, and have a good old laugh. Then S got deployed to jolly ol' Afghan. Stupid government. He came back a little while ago, and I'd like to say that nothing's changed, but it has, and I'm thinking I like the change.
Prior to his deployment, we were friends, and that was all. We'd joke around, and be total twats together, do allnighters etc, but that was all it was. Platonic friendship. Since he's been back, it's been totally different. When he came back, I was staying with my ex, as we had been talking about getting back together. We broke up because he took me for granted, and generally couldn't be arsed with me. Not a lot had changed this time around, considering night after night he'd be on the phone to his best friend ("Slagbag") the minute he got home from work. S, on the other hand, seemed to be putting in a lot of time talking to me, and generally keeping my sanity intact. S made me feel special. Something (sounds cheesy, but fuck you all!) that I hadn't really felt for a while, making me wonder if I would make the wrong choice in getting back with the ex.

The night I came home, S asked if I would be his girlfriend when he got back from Afghan pt. 2. Although I said I thought we should wait, I had realised that this is what I wanted. Only reason being my fears for his safety, and klutziness. S just makes me smile all the time. He's managed to get four days off in the next few weeks, so hopefully everything will go fine and dandy. Really looking forward to it!

Look at me, getting all mushy and sentimental :') This is not normal, as my wonderful, if somewhat stressed best friend has managed to point out to me, as well as adding that the mushiness isn't normal for people who have "been seeing each other for very little time at all". I have to disagree - S and I have known each other a long time, and therefore feeling aren't bullshit. Conclusion: mushiness is allowed, as I have found my cunt buddy :P Also managed to convert S to the world of blogigng!

So very tempted to post the most adorable picture of him on here.. Chubbeh smile and all!

Toodle pipskies. :D xo