

S is coming to see me. In less than a week, he'll be here, and I'm just a tad excited :P
Daddy dearest seems to think that S is full of all stis known to man, as forces lads like to sleep with hookers. Does this mean he thinks of them as desperate, nymphos, or that they have no taste? Hmm. Me no know, but I do know that S is being made to stay on other premises.

Started writing S random pieces of crap last night, and of course, made the mistake of telling him. He's now all adamant I'm going to show him it before he gets here. I'm pretty certain I won't :P

Hopefully sorted out getting mummy dearest to take me out a new contract. On 3, this time, though. More minutes, and a shiny new phone haha. Good times. :D i'm a tad scared it'll get broken in the next two years, but the N97s look fairly solid.

Hmm. Rambling aside. I don't know what else to write D: So I'm off to have a smoke. Win.