Status: New JB story - hiatus, I'm sorry ):

Justin & Grace

They're my WHAT?!


Justin adjusted the black mask on his eyes before walking out of his bedroom. "Now I am!"

"Finally!" Ryan jumped up from the couch, wearing his own mask, but midnight blue. "Let's get going!"

Justin sighed as the two exited his house. "I have a bad feeling about all of this, Ryan."

"Because you're a Bieber? Dude, it'll totally be fine, trust me."

"Not sure if I can..."

Ryan rolled his eyes. "Well, you have to, I'm your best friend."

"Why you are is still a mystery..."

Soon, he bumped into somebody, causing him to freeze. He looked up, to see Heath, without a mask. "H-Heath!"

Heath raised a brow. "Who are you?"

"It's me, Justi-"

"My cousin, Jerry!" Ryan interrupted with a grin. "I brought him along for Grace's birthday party, you don't mind, do you?

Heath smiled and shook his head. "No, I don't mind at all."

"Good." Ryan turned to Justin. "Come on Jerry, let's get going."

"Ryan, what the fu-"

"By the way, Heath, where are you heading?"

Heath blinked. "Oh, uh." he pointed in the direction where he was going without breaking eye contact. "Store - mom sent me out to buy more plastic cups and paper plates."

"Oh, okay then. See you later!"


Heath walked off. Justin turned to Ryan. "What the hell was that? I'm friends with Heath! He's the only Navarro I can actually stand, with the exception of Analeigh!"

"But you're still a Bieber. Remember, the Bieber and Navarro family hate each other. Don't let your guard down."

"Says the guy dragging a Bieber to a Navarro family."

Ryan rolled his blue eyes before grabbing Justin's arm. "You're damn right I'm dragging you."


"Don't Ryan me! We're going whether you like it or not! God, I feel like my mom, is that bad?"

Justin scowled as Ryan continued to drag him.


"Gracie, are you finished?"

Grace stood in her room, looking at herself in the mirror. She was dressed in her outfit had was just putting the finishing touches, by adding black eyeliner and mascara.

"Done." She smiled at her appearance before heading downstairs.

"Hi Grace!" Everyone greeted as she stood there.

Grace grinned and waved. "Hi!"

Alex and Daisy tackled her in a hug, causing her to stumble on her feet badly. "What the hell?!"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHORTY!" Alex cheered as he shoved a small box into the girl's hands.

"My gift is better, I promise!" Daisy said as she shoved a slightly larger box into Grace's arms.

Drew rolled his eyes. "You guys are supposed to put the gifts in the corner of there," he said as he pointed at a corner filled with plastic bags and boxes.

"Oh," Alex and Daisy mumbled, with raised eyebrows.

Grace laughed as her friends awkwardly took their gifts back. "Right, well," Alex began. "I'll be in the corner if you need me."

"Yeah, same," Daisy added.

Grace rolled her eyes before walking off, to greet everyone else who had come to the party, just as Justin and Ryan entered the house.

"Shit, I'm nervous," Justin mumbled as he frowned a bit.

"You'll be fine, trust me," Ryan said as they maneuvered through the large crowd of people. "Let's head to the refreshments."

"Fine with me..."

Justin continued walking, glancing from head to head. His eyes then fell upon Grace, and his eyes doubled in size. He grabbed Ryan and pointed. "Who is that?"

Ryan raised a brow as he turned, to see Daisy. "That's Daisy Thompson - I swear you already met her."

"No, not her! The girl next to her, holding Alex's arm!"

Ryan shrugged. "As if I know, " he said.

"My god," Justin breathed. "She's... She's so... I need to talk to her." He began walking towards her, but someone caught her arm.

"Whoa tiger, calm down!" Ryan said. "Get a drink first, and let loose!"

"There's alcohol?!"

"No, it's fruit punch, but you'll feel refreshed!"

Justin deadpanned. He glanced at Grace before hesitantly nodding. "O-Okay." He went with Ryan to the refreshments, glancing back at Grace every few seconds.

He always had Analeigh on a pedestal, because of her high beauty.
But after seeing her - she was the new sun lighting up his day.

He wanted to be her hero.
He wanted to be her prince.
He wanted to be her everything.

Justin mentally shook his head. What was he thinking?! He only saw this girl for a few minutes, and he already wanted to just run up to her and kiss the hell out of her!

"Too many soap operas with mom," he thought as he shook his head, his hair going around a bit.

He picked up a cup and filled it with pepsi before drinking it. He sighed. "What is her name?" he wondered out loud.

Max, who was standing nearby, gave him a weird look. He walked up to his mom and spoke, "That guy is... familiar."

Jennifer raised a brow. "What do you mean?"

Max narrowed his eyes. "I swear that's Justin Bieber."

Jennifer blinked. "A Bieber?" She remained confused. "You sure you're not hearing things?"

"Well," Max shrugged. "I think it is." He glared at the 16 year old. "I bet he's here to mock us - fucking faggot."

"Language," Jennifer chastised with narrowed eyes.

"Mom, kick him out," Max said. "Or tell Eric to."

"No, that's disrespectful," Jennifer said. "To anyone - including a Bieber."

"Are you kidding me? Mom, he's a freaking Bieber. We have to kick him out before he starts shit!"

"Max, quit it out, 'cause right now YOU are! Just let him be, understand?!"

Max scowled. "Whatever," he snapped whilst walking off, his temper rising.

Jennifer sighed before shaking her head and walking over to her husband.

"Enjoying yourself?" Drew asked, smiling at Grace.

She grinned and nodded. "Of course! This is the best sweet sixteen ever in my life!"

Alex rolled his eyes. "It's the only one too!"

They all laughed. "So, when are you going to open up gifts?" Daisy asked.

"Soon," Grace said. "Very soon."

"Good! Cause you're gunna love mine," Alex commented.

"Oh please, mine is way better," Daisy said.

Grace rolled her eyes.

"Ugh, that's the 3rd cup of pepsi I've had," Justin said as he wiped his mouth. "Can I talk to her now?"

"Go ahead," Ryan said as he smirked. "Go get 'em!"

Justin smiled as he made his way through the crowd towards Grace. He took her hand, surprising her quite a bit. He smiled warmly.

"Sorry, my hand felt lonely, so it grabbed yours," he said.

Grace raised a brow, staring at Justin.

Well, hello there.
Someone's bringing sexy back.

She smiled innocently. "It's okay, mine is too."

Justin's smile widened. "You know, you've got one cute smile."

"And you've got real nice hair."

"So I've been told."

Grace giggled. "So, pick up lines, hm?"

Justin laughed. "I was going to try something else, like, "You dropped blah, blah!" but I decided to just use a more straight forward pick up line just so I could talk with you."

Grace smiled, blushing quite a bit. "It worked."

Justin smiled too. "Good." He brought Grace closer to him. "Your eyes are beautiful."

Grace wanted to shoot herself.
Was she in Heaven?

A gorgeous boy was flirting with her.
This MUST be - or at least a paradise similar.

"Thank you."

"Would you care to dance?"

"I'd love to."

The two began slow dancing, smiling happily at each other. "I want to be completely honest," he said. "You're the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen."

Grace laughed. "Corny!"

Justin laughed too. "Exactly why I was afraid to say it!"

Grace smiled. "But don't worry - you're the cutest guy I've ever seen too."

"Good," Justin grinned. "I like the sound of that."

"You should, since it's a compliment."

"I'd say it's my hair."

"Can't help but agree."

The two gave laughs as they continued dancing, Justin holding one of Grace's hands, the other on her hip. "You're not bad at dancing."

"I practiced a bit."

"Nice. What else are you good at?"

"Guitar and singing."

Justin gave an impressed look. "Really?"

Grace nodded. "I want to become a professional singer one day," she said. "I want to be able to tour the world, singing my songs for everyone."

Justin smiled. "Funny - I have the same dream. Maybe we can live it together."

"Are you proposing to me?"


Grace rolled her eyes, smiling. "Smooth."

"I can be."

Grace smiled. "What's your name?"

Justin hesitated. He couldn't give out his name here - at a Navarro's party. "U-Uhm... Jayden."

Grace grinned. "Nice to meet you, Jayden." Oh boy. "I'm Grace."

"Cool." Justin grinned too. "A pretty name for a pretty girl."

Grace scoffed. "How many times have you used that today?"



The song ended, and Grace took a step back. "Well, I ought to say hi to other people."

Justin lightly kissed Grace on the cheek, causing her face to heat up and turn pink. "I hope we see each other again, Grace."

Grace smiled. "Me too, Jayden."


"You?" Grace raised a brow.

"O-Oh yeah." Justin laughed awkwardly. "Me, right."

Grace laughed and shook her head. "You're funny, kid. Wow."

"Hey, Grace, your dad is calling you," Daisy said as she nudged her friend.

"Oh, right, okay." Grace turned to Justin. "Bye Jayden!"


"You crack me up." Grace laughed before walking away towards her father.

Justin sighed happily. He had talked to her. He had danced with her. He had kissed her soft cheek.

Life was good.

He glanced at Daisy. "What's her last name?"

"Grace's?" Daisy raised a brow. "Navarro."

Justin froze.
The happy music in his head stopped. All the imaginary flowers disappeared. Cue the record scratch right here.

"Wait, what?"



"Navarro," Daisy said, more slowly and loudly.

"Say that again?"

"NAVAARRRO, and that's the last time I'm saying it! Sir, do you have a hearing problem?"

"I, uh, no, I'm fine, I'm fine," Justin said before stumbling away.


Grace was a NAVARRO?!

Ryan crossed his arms. "I bet there's going to be some insanely cute girls at the party - I bet Grace is even cute!"

"Who the hell is Grace?"

"The birthday girl, you dumbass."


Justin's face fell. He remembered it now.
Crap, he was in a load of trouble.

He grabbed Ryan's arm hastily. "We gotta leave - now."

Ryan blinked. "Huh?"

"We have to leave, Ryan!"

"Wait, why?" Ryan raised a brow. "What happened to the girl earlier?"

"I'll explain later! Let's just get out of here! Now!"

"Wait." Ryan handed a girl a folded piece of paper. "Here's my number."


"Okay, okay, I get it! Now!"

The two scurried out of the Navarro house, Grace noticing. She grabbed Heath's arm. "Who is that boy?"

Heath blinked. "Which one?"

Grace, trying to act smooth and not so suspicious, pointed at Ryan. "That one."

"Ryan Butler."

"Ah, I see. And the boy behind him?"

"Justin Bieber. Oh, hey, I wonder what he's doing here."

"Oh, interesting. And the other-? WAIT, OLDER STEP BROTHER SAY WHAT?"

Heath raised a brow. "I wonder what he's doing here?"

"What's his name?!"

"Justin Bieber."

"JUSTIN?! I thought it was Jayden!"

"Says who?"

"Justin! Or Jayden! Or... ARGH!" Grace groaned. "He told me his name was Jayden!"

"Maybe 'cause he's not supposed to be here he lied about his name," Heath said. "He is a Bieber after all."

Grace gasped. "Oh my god... his last name... it's... it's..."


"Yeah, that."

Heath gave a worried facial expression. "Do you need to sit down, Grace? Are you feeling fine?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine, totally fine," Grace lied. "L-Let me just get a drink and then mingle a bit."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, positive."

Heath frowned. "If you say so."

Grace wobbled over to the refreshments, her mind dizzy.

She had danced with a Bieber.
A Bieber had kissed her cheek.

A Bieber has stolen her heart.

Grace gulped.

Oh crap.
♠ ♠ ♠
65 readers 20 subscribers 14 comments :D
That's a really good start for only 2 chapters posted! LOL

I'm so sorry for this update being so freaking late. /sigh/
I've had a TERRIBLE case of writer's block, but after re-reading The Prince And The Nobody and listening to a million Justin Bieber songs, Bieber Fever hit me hard, and I was in the mood to write this story, so I wrote more.

Also, please comment leaving your opinions. I really want to know what you guys think.
Also, I wouldn't mind you guys commenting with ideas, so that helps too (:
Please and thank you <3

(: Anyway, thanks to everyone who commented, subscribed, and read.
You all rock! Look out for updates people! Payce!
-Ericka Zapanta.