Love's a Battlefield


I had just stepped foot off the busiest train ever. I had set foot in the City of London for about the 100th time this year already. Ok maybe that’s an exaggeration but still I have visited this place a lot. This wasn’t holiday visiting though it was work. Which meant I never got to see any of the cool sites around the place which did suck.

You see I work odd shifts where I spend around three to five months cooped up on a tour bus with a bunch of musicians as they play towns and cities across the UK, Europe and sometimes America and Australia and far a field to. This time it was just a UK tour and luckily I knew exactly who I was touring with. Infact the group had pissed off their manager to high hell and back to get me the job. When Gary finally realised who the guys were going on about he soon perked up and said I was defiantly getting the job. You see me and Gary got on really well the last time we had worked together. We had a laugh and he really enjoyed how i had run the set for the gigs. He had already sorted out the rest of the roadies for the tour before I had been informed. Infact he had informed me kind of last minute as I packed my life into a suitcase basically.

Gary had phoned me a couple of days ago telling me the details of the next couple of months plans for me and said that today I was to meet him in London at the first venue of the tour I was involved in. You see Gary’s a manager of none other than Yorkshire boys Elliot Minor. He loves the guys loads even if sometimes they can be a little annoying and hell I wonder why, they had Alex Davies in the band. The group were lovely though and in fact pretty god damn amusing to be on tour with which I had done so already a couple of times before.

I knew Elliot Minor already. We had spent years talking to each other by now after they had supported bigger bands I was working for. Me, Alex and Ed had really hit it off chilling out on the bus after a few of the gigs. I had a laugh with them and been the only girl on tours was never an issue with me. I always seemed to fit in I supposed the love for beer, cars and most guys kind of things helped out a bit. It was influenced by those who I worked with as well but they enjoyed having me around cause I was me. When i had spent time with the minor boys before they pretty much treated me like one of them and infact some treated me as though i was their sister keeping their eye on me all the time.

Anyway back to now. I jumped off the tube. That thing was evil at the best of times and in the middle of rush hour in London it was even worse. I scurried toward the escalators up to street level knocking a couple of snobbish suit wearing old farts in the process who snorted and looked down their noses at me as I walked through the station. My backpack was secured to my back a suitcase close in tow behind me and walking around in my skinny jeans, a stripy top and white converse and a leather jacket, as it was English weather, very temperamental.

As the sunlight hit my face as I left the bustling station to hit even busier streets I placed my sunglasses over my eyes making it easier to see where I was going. I took in the sights and smells, car fumes, cigarette smoke and the sights of many people rushing around. I didn’t have to far to go to get to the venue and before long I had reached it, pulled the door open with my pass hung around my neck. I headed straight for the dressing room where I knew Gary and the band would be. Today was just a get together day including set up as no one was playing the venue until we played in two days time.

I pulled my case up the stairs, been a sound engineer meant you had a lot of strength, with hauling large boxes of equipment on and off buses with ramps that liked sending the boxes the wrong way. Once I reached the top of the stairs I could see the dressing room door. It was currently closed and so I quietly walked up to it. I hadn’t spoken to the ‘Minor boys in a few days and I wasn’t sure if they were expecting me. As I reached the door I tripped over my own feet letting the words holy shit escape my lips as I stopped myself from hitting the door face first.

As I stood upright balancing myself again I looked up to see the door handle moving before it swung open. Almost instantly my feet were no longer on the ground.


‘Mr Davies place me back on my two feet before you get your arse kicked.’

With that Alex hurriedly placed me on the ground as the rest of the group hugged me without taking my feet off the ground.

‘Am I not allowed to be happy to see my favourite sound engineer anymore’

Alex half sulked at me pulling his attempt at puppy dog eyes. I got lost in his blue eyes, they just drew you in or they did me anyway, I noticed he was wearing the jacket I had bought him on tour once after complaining he was cold and had left his jacket on the bus wondering around but shook the thoughts of how enticing his eyes were, in fact how nice he was from my mind as I spoke.

‘You are but you know I’m unsafe on my feet let alone in the air.’

‘Well i suppose that is true.’

As i walked into the room I noticed Gary was currently taped to one of the chairs looking very pleased to see someone who would untie him. I would over pulling the tape of him and part of his arm hair to which he really didn’t appreciate. Once free he hugged me before handing me a few pieces of paper.

‘Venue list and the idea of how the stage should be set out to help you with the sound management.’


I smiled at Gary before flicking over the page to see a dodgy drawn stage outlining what I would be requiring to know.

‘Oh and you will be on the bus with the lads, hope you don’t mind?’

Gary winked at me he knew a lot about me he was like a father figure to me when I was on tour and someone I always trusted. He knew about any guys I tended to like but always kept it our secret.

‘That’s fine I’m sure it shall be eventful.’

With that Gary smiled at me before heading out of the dressing room probably to go sort out all the other roadies, that were currently dotted around the venue and in catering, leaving me on my own with the ‘Minor boys.