Love's a Battlefield


The next day was an early start. Casey wanted us all up and ready so she could show us some of the sights of her lovely hometown before we went to meet her mum so she could find out what Casey had been up to recently. As me and Casey wondered down the hallway to the lobby of the hotel alex headed the same way glaring at me before speedily walking past to where Dan was disappearing down the stairs.

As we got into the lobby Casey smiled before gathering the group ready for us to head outside and see the sights in the sunny day. As I let the sun hit my face i smiled seeing Casey so happy as Ed walked the other side of her holding her hand a smile on his own little face to. The hotel we had stayed in was near to the harbour and so Casey had decided that was our starting point and armed with her camera and me my camcorder we wondered around.

Me and Dan were wondering around the dockyard intrigued by all the old ships they had gathered in them. Casey got some amusing pictures of us as we were amazed at some of the boats we had seen there. At one point me and Ali had sat on an old cannon Dan pretending to lift a cannonball next to it and Teddy been the typical tourist and just standing beside it. I had gotten a few pictures of the happy couple walking around hand in hand as well and Casey had gotten some really nice ones of the lads with some nice backdrops to.

The next port of call was the beach in which teddy was skimming stones into the sea whilst I ran about with Ali chasing me with a dead crab in his hand. After a while and after i had skidded onto my arse still running from Ali who had caught me with the crab brandishing it on my face Casey gathered us back after she had taken a romantic walk along the shoreline with Ed, which i had evidence she didn’t know about of, and took us to the shopping mall. We spent the next hour of so browsing through the shops and enjoying actually getting a bite to eat whilst there to. Me and alex still hadn’t spoken since the day had started and i wasn’t planning to change it either. Instead I seemed to have Dan attached to my side forever making me laugh or constantly picking me up in surprise and running down a street with me cackling as i was held upside down holding his jeans up for him as he ran.

As he done this for like the fifth time Casey and filmed it and also the reactions to some old grandpa’s going past who had al stopped to stare with purely disgusted faces causing Casey to afterwards break down in her own giggle fit. She then casually walked back out us following behind in a somewhat orderly manor and up a hill. From there it looked out over the sea a beautiful setting and i stood there for five minutes just staring out enjoying the view whilst Casey and Ed stood beside me. She then took us up to port Chester castle. As we got there i noticed how picturesque the castle looked as Casey snapped away more pictures. She also got the guys to line up and got a few pictures with it in the background which they didn’t mind as they needed some new pictures.

After our tour Casey checked the time and smiled as we headed towards where she once lived with her mum. She had set a time to which we would all be going to visit her mum and say hi allowing Casey herself to finally catch up on what she had been up to. As we got to her street the smiel on her face suddenly disappeared. She stppe ddead in her tracks turning to Ed.

‘Ed you’ve got to meet my mum and will be introduced as my boyfriend, although she still see’s me as her little girl so just watch what you say please.’

‘Don’t worry, I’m on my best behaviour, apparently people’s parents tend to love me anyway according to this lot.’

Ed nodded his head towards the rest of us before Casey continued walking and heading up to the front door. She only raised her hand to the knocker before the door violently swung open. A woman who we presumed as her mum swung her arms around Casey’s neck hugging her tightly as Ed stood behind watching and when her mum noticed smiled at the rest of us welcoming us in.

As we followed Casey and her mum indoors i took in the homely feeling that you got the second you walked through the door to then be met by a fairly tall black dog who jumped up at me. I instantly recognised the dog from pictures it was Olwyn. I fussed the dog as Casey scolded her for jumping up me. We were taken into the living room and were told to make ourselves at home. I took to sitting on the floor for now as Casey’s mum kindly asked who we all our.

‘Mum this is Holly, the girl from Wolves i was meant to meet and have spoke to for years, then this is Ed, my boyfriend also part of Elliot Minor, then you have alex, Dan, Ali then teddy on the end.’

As each name was called out the person looked up and smiled at Casey’s mum so she could familiarize them. She then headed into the kitchen Casey following and calling me to follow, with which Olwyn had followed me after seeming like i was the safest one out the group of strangers to have entered her home. As we came to a standstill in the kitchen Olwyn walked to Casey’s feet nudging her leg and then jumping up wanting attention from the owner that she had missed for so long. Casey knelt down and fussed the dog for a while as Casey’s mum started talking to me and saying she was pleased to meet me after all the years of never knowing who i was.

We laughed a little before talk turned back to Casey who was now stood up again.

‘Case, you and your boyfriend, Ed was it, you’ve not been disrespecting not living at home have you.’

Casey’s face suddenly looked confused but as she thought it through realised what her mum was unabout.

‘No mum we haven’t, don’t worry I don’t need the talk again you gave it me once.’

‘You were younger then, I just want you to keep safe and...’

‘Mum, mum I’m still a virgin don’t worry, Ed feels the same way about that sort of stuff as me so you haven’t got to worry.’

Casey and her mum both smile happy that conversation was over before returning to the living room and chatting a little about what had been happening and Casey’s mum learning a little about the ‘Minor guys. The next few hours were mainly spent with light chatter and laughter echoing around the living room before Gary called to inform us we had to start making a move back to the hotel as we had to start making a move to the next venue soon.

Casey said goodbye to her mum also saying than you and goodbye as we finally emptied the house. When we got back t the hotel we grabbed the bags we had already packed and took them onboard the bus before ourselves starting to get settled on the bus.

As the journey started Alex decided he wanted to go play guitar for a little while. As he reached the back of the bus where he kept his acoustic guitar his quiet form that had been apparent all day suddenly turned back to that of rage. I could hear the movement as he hunted for something before his feet were again heard stomping down the bus.

‘Who the HELL broke my guitar string. There are no spares left!!!!!! Holly you got any?’

I kept calm as Alex’s voice started to raise his face slowly changing to more of a red colour.

‘No Alex, I never carry spare guitar strings with me.’

‘WHAT!!! Your a friggin sound Tech your MEANT to! Your a fucking useless sound tech!!’

This was one think that had gone to far now and my own anger started to rise.

‘ALEX DAVIES, you are not the centre of this fucking universe no matter what you think. You should know it’s only the GUITAR tech that carries spare guitar strings around as part of his job. So don’t tell me I’m useless at my job you lazy piece of shit.’

‘You are useless and I know it was you that broke the string in the first place, just cause your a sound tech you think you can cover your tracks up easily!’

‘No i don’t I haven’t touched your beloved guitar so get your accusations right before you starting shouting your mouth off at me!’

With this i turned around walking away from Alex before he could accuse me of anything else. I heard him huff and puff and f and blind some more as he stopped back up the bus placing the guitar down before stomping upstairs on the bus.

As i got to the front of the bus and sat down Casey and Ed sat looking at me shocked at the outburst I had but understood I had a right to argue back with him what with how he’d been with me recently. I sat down letting out a loud sigh of breath as i calmed down again.

Why was i suddenly his little target, why was it that even through all this arguing i still liked the guy and had fallen for him when he could be such a jerk to me and accuse me for anything. My heart ached as my head started to think about all the things i liked about Alex and thought about how close the two of us had been before the first major incident that had set all this off. He was so kind caring and we could always laugh and cuddle up i wanted it to go back like that again. Not having to fight battles with him every day of this tour.