Hannah and Devi Face-Off

Basically, Devi and myself have decided to have a little writing competition, friendly of course, and the one-shot prompt is as follows...

The Jonas Brothers are on tour. Write a drabble, 500 to 1000 characters, in letter form (like old fashioned, in-an-envelope, snail mail). It may be from one of the Jonases to his girlfriend, or from the girlfriend to one of the Jonases. Any rating. It may be a letter written just to express emotions, with the knowledge that the writer wouldn't actually send it, or an actual letter that the writer plans to send.

We got this from JONASBROTHERSFANFICTIONARCHIVE. So more entries can be seen there, but this one is just for Devi and I. Basically we'll each post a chapter here which will be our entry. We have till Wednesday to do it. THEN, our wonderful readers, you guys come in. You guys vote in the comments to tell us which one you think should win. Please be honest. This is just for fun and we don't mind which one wins and which one loses so let's not turn it into a virtual bloodbath.