Hannah and Devi Face-Off


July 4th, 2010

Dear Nick,

I can't believe we've made it this far. I didn't think it would ever happen, but one year today. That's one big accomplishment. For me, anyway. You can go and add it to your long list, but my accomplishments are pretty short. Like the time I won the spelling bee in sixth grade or completed the entire Harry Potter series in a week. Somehow those accomplishments seem pretty lame now, but I think really it's the feeling I remember having after I did them that makes them worth it. But this accomplishment? No regrets.

I'm sitting on my rooftop right now with my arms around my legs because it's so cold here without you. Okay, not literally cold, but it is a bit chilly out tonight. Unusual for fourth of July weather if I may say so myself. But the clock says it's 8:51 and I'm a little impatient. The fireworks, as you well know, will start in exactly nine minutes and then it'll all be official.

Together, we have lasted for an entire year. Through thick and thin, rain, sleet, snow, and all of that good stuff. I sound a bit like the US Postal Service, but I don't really mind. I always get cheesey with this kind of stuff and you know that. You're probably expecting it.

It definitely has not been easy on either of us, but I think that's what a relationship is supposed to be like. It's supposed to be a series of trial and error and caring about that other person so much that you don't care if it hurts. And you're right. Sometimes it does hurt more than I let on to your face, but I know I have to deal with it. I knew what I was signing up for the first time you kissed me.

... Which brings us back to today.

You and I may remember this day differently. You probably have this memory named "The Beginning" in your mind, whereas it's named "Finally" in mine. Because while you had been inching toward me evermore each day, I had already made up my mind about you. And friendship wasn't enough. Hell, I still can't get enough of you.

But anyway, I was drawing pictures with Lizzie on the sidewalk with her new chalk when you came over that evening. I remember being so ecstatic because you had been gone for so long and it was the first time in a while you could come back home for however short amount of time. You sat down next to Lizzie and helped her draw our family as I pretended to doodle between sneaking glances at you. Eventually, Lizzie got tired and went inside, but we stayed on the sidewalk and talked until sunset about nothing in particular.

When the sun finally set, both of our familes made their way out of the house. You, me, Lizzie and Frankie played with the sparklers while my mom took pictures and everyone else set up lawn chairs for a fireworks viewing party across the lake from our house, but we had other plans. Staying true to the ten-year tradition, we climbed out onto the roof from my bedroom window to wait and talked about things that would almost be embarrassing to write down on paper. But that's how it's always been with you and me.

When you first placed your hand on mine, I thought it was by accident. We were both leaning back on our hands, after all, but when you didn't apologize or move it, I knew what was coming. And I had been waiting for what seemed like forever for you to finally realize that I was there. I was always there and I always will be.

Happy Anniversary,
♠ ♠ ♠
SUPER short, I know. But it was supposed to be between 500-1000 words. This is like 650 or something like that. It just seemed like the perfect place to end it. I was quite proud of it, being in first person and all, which everyone knows isn't my strong point. But oh well. I hope you enjoyed it, even if you don't vote for me:]