
Him- ...and Decay.

The morning is grey as I push myself off the floor and into the shower. She’s probably putting on her makeup and laughing as he sings ‘Love Song’ off-key in his own shower… Her own… I try not to think about it.
My mother smiles magnificently to see me at the table, staring at a slowly liquidating bowl of Lucky Charms and contemplating their irony. She doesn’t say anything, just keeps pretending the cat is my father, slacking in front of the television like he used to. Some people just can’t forget.

That’s the only thing my mother and I have in common.

It begins to rain as I speed off to her house, trying to make myself believe I’m going for Melanctha and Edmond though I probably won’t see them at all.
From the golf course, not so far behind her house, I watch them, miniature minute forms in funeral attire. Melanctha stands out in white and blue-haired. I sit on the grass, watching, watching, and watching until my eyes float into space. I climb after them, hoping to become a satellite when they’re caught, fusing with the sky that enraptures her.

Her tiny figure kisses Samuel Atwood’s and they run in my general direction, jumping into a water hazard a few yards away.

I cannot help but go when she’s so close.

Staring down at her in the water, she looks like Ophelia. Flowers around her and floating dead… a corpse.

Her eyes open and return the favor. I feel myself dying. Rigor Mortis sets in and fades instantly. I am a zombie. I am a cadaver that moves.

And moves away.

Even after I hear her scream.
Even after my bleeding heart tells me to go back.
I cannot explain why…
But I walk away, giving him my throne.

Abdicated and eviscerated…

I give him my throne.
♠ ♠ ♠
That's it. That's the end. Tell what you thought.

Thank you immensely for reading and I'll see you next story.
