Flight Risk

Little Liar

"Did you have a nice weekend?"

I nodded as I walked through the front door, holding my bag over my shoulder. "Yeah," I added, "Micki's great. Always has been."

My mom stood up and walked around the couch. She crossed her arms over her chest and nodded. "That's good," she stated, "I'm glad you had fun."

"I did." I hoisted my back up higher and walked past her, offering a bit of a smile as I went to my room and closed the door, shutting her on the other side.

I grabbed my backpack from the floor next to my bed and heaved it up on tip, groaning at the thought of going to school tomorrow. I pulled all of the books out of my bag and riffled through them, hoping that there wasn't that much to do since I could hardly remember Friday.

"Everly," my mom called through the door.

I rolled my eyes and climbed off of my bed. "What?" I asked before I pulled the door open halfway and leaned against it.

"Are you hungry?" she asked.

I shook my head. "Micki took me out for breakfast."

Mom nodded. "Where did you go?" she questioned, pushing the door open and stepping into my bedroom. She looked at the notebooks and books and seemed content with what I was doing.

"Just a little place downtown." I shrugged, following her as she walked farther into my room.

"That sounds nice."

I frowned and folded my arms over my chest. "Mom, what are you doing?" I questioned. She stood in front of my window, staring out of the large, three-pane window.

"Where were you this morning?" She turned around to face me.

"What are you talking about, I was at Micki's and then we went out for lunch."

"Are you sure?" she challenged. I saw the hesitation on her face and I nodded adamantly, realizing that she was merely guessing and had no idea what had actually gone on.

"Of course, I'm sure. Why are you even asking me that?"

She sighed in relief and reached out to grab my hand. "I'm sorry, Honey," she murmured, squeezing my fingers, "It's just that you've been doing so well with school and you've been listening so well that I thought maybe you would've tried to act out this weekend."

I shook my head and squeezed her hand. "Why would I act out when you've finally given me a bit of freedom?"

She relaxed her shoulders and nodded her head. "I'm so proud that you realize that, Everly," she murmured, "I'm so glad that you realized that those men are no good for you."

I nodded, trying to keep my composure. "You're right, Mom," I murmured, letting her wrap her arms around my shoulders, "I miss them because they were so much fun, but I'm listening to you."

My mom rubbed my back. "I'm so happy, Everly."

I cleared my throat. "I've got a lot of homework, so..."

My nodded quickly and stepped back. "Oh, of course, Dear. I'm sorry I interrupted you."

I nodded and folded my arms over my chest while she headed out of my room, smiling as she pulled the door closed, leaving me alone on the other side. I sighed and dropped back down onto my bed, realizing that I was now lying to her face.

I found my phone and plugged it into the charger that was plugged in beside my bed. I held the button down until it turned on, relying on the charger it keep it powered. I scanned through my contacts and stopped at Zacky's name.

I plugged my iPod into the speakers and took my phone and charger over to the red couch that was pushed against the wall next to my window. I dialed the number and held the phone up to my ear.

"Granger," Zacky answered, "How are you?"

"I hate lying about you," I stated, shaking my head. "I wish I could tell the entire world about us."

Zacky sighed. "Grange, I know it sucks, but you can't do that. We only have a few more months."

I counted on my fingers quickly. "Seven months, Zack. Over seven months."

"That's not very long," he comforted, "On your eighteenth birthday I'll shout it from the roof tops, but right now, we have to keep quiet."

I sighed. "I miss you already."

Zacky chuckled deeply. "It's been less than an hour."

"So what," I muttered, "Am I not allowed to miss you?"

"Okay, okay, Grange. I miss you, too."

I sighed and listened to the silence on the phone. It felt like we were in our own little place outside of the realm of reality. I listened for the sound of him breathing and cradled the phone between my ear and my shoulder.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" I asked softly, looking towards my door as my mom walked past, probably heading to her room.

"We're trying to get everything set up for the tour. We leave in two months and besides knowing that we're supposed to leave, we actually haven't gotten anything worked out, yet."

I smiled. "You know what instruments you're going to play."

"Oh, yeah? I forgot about that, thanks, Babe."

"No problem," I replied, smiling cheekily.

"Johnny's really excited. He's taking off school to travel with us. His parents aren't that excited though," Zacky stated, chuckling as we thought about the sixteen year old sophomore getting stoked about missing so much school.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my free arm around them. "I really hate Johnny right now," I confessed.

Zacky sighed. "I'm sorry you can't come."

"Me, too," I lamented.

"Someday," Zacky promised. "You'll be able to come along on the next tour."

I was about to agree when my mom knocked on the door and called for me to turn my music down so that she could focus on whatever it was that she was doing. "Zack, I've got to go. I'll text you." I didn't wait for him to reply before I hung up my phone and left it sitting on the couch as I walked over to the door and pulled it open. My mom was still standing on the other side.

"What'd you say?" I queried, "Sorry. I couldn't hear you."

She rolled her eyes and walked into the room. She grabbed the iPod and pulled it from the dock, instantly stopping the music. As she handed the small machine back to me she said, "That's what I was talking about."

I bit my lip and nodded, turning the iPod around in my hands. "Sorry, Mom," I murmured, tossing the cased item onto my bed, "It helps me focus."

She looked back to the bed and nodded. "It's fine," she stated, "I just want it left off for the rest of the day."

I was about to protest when she looked at me, silently daring me to. I folded my arms and muttered, "Sorry." I looked over my shoulder quickly as my phone began to buzz, loud against the leather of the couch. "Just a text," I said, "Probably Micki."

My mom nodded and glanced back to me. "Keep the music off," she repeated, "I'm going to try to get some sleep before work."

"Okay. Can do."

I finished my homework after a few hours and my mom came walking out of her room about nine o'clock. She when into the bathroom and took a shower and then came back into my room with her hair-brush as she combed through her short locks.

"I'm running a little late, Honey," she stated, "Would you mind finding my shoes for me?" She motioned out of the room with her hand.

"Mom, I'm-" I started to protest, only to be cut off.

She sent me a look and repeated, "Please?"

I sighed and nodded as I pushed up off of the couch, feeling the subtle ache in my center. "Do you need your name tag, too?" I asked, since I was up and moving already.

"Yes, please, Everly." She patted my shoulder as I brushed past her and headed down the hall, trying to keep a normal pace. Her name tag was sitting on her dresser like always and she'd left her shoes next to her bed the night before.

"Mom, your stuff was right in your room. Did I really have to get it?" I questioned as I held up the items, walking back into the living room.

"Oh, stop whining, Everly," she replied, sitting down on the couch as I walked over and set her shoes by her feet.

I sighed and headed into the kitchen to grab the Asprin out of the cupboard. My mom followed me with her gaze and frowned as I grabbed a couple white pills and a bottle of Gatorade from the fridge.

"What's wrong, Honey?" she questioned, "Are you feeling alright? Do you want me to stay home tonight?"

I swallowed the pills and shook my head quickly. "No, no," I cajoled, "You should go to work. I just have a headache from all the homework." I put the pill bottle back in the cupboard and fiddled with the bottle in my hands, leaning against the counter.

"Are you sure?" she questioned. She stood up and walked into the open kitchen. "You're a little warm, Honey," she mused as she pressed the palm of her hand against my forehead.

I pushed her away. "I'm fine, Mom," I stated, "It's just a headache. The pain-killers will take care of it soon."

She nodded and patted my cheek. "Alright, well, if it doesn't go away soon call me." She gathered her purse and headed towards the front door, clipping her ID card on as she went.

"Bye, Mom," I called, "See you after school!"

Then she was gone and the door was shut and locked from the outside. I sighed in relief and went and sat down on the couch. I flipped the TV on and stretched out, wanting to soak in a hot tub but not wanting to move.

Eventually I pulled myself up from the couch and cursed Zacky. "I'm so never doing that again," I grumbled, walking into the bathroom, "Gets better, my ass."
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Definitely a filler.