Status: Completed!

You Kissed the Lips of Evil

Chapter 10

(three months after the accident)

''I love this type of weather,'' I said to Ash taking anonther sip of my pumpkin spice latte.

''Your crazy I'm cold, its Halloween, and you dragging me to a party?'' he said.

''Yeah and you have to have a good costume,''

''It better be a warm costume at least,'' I took off into the store to find Ash a costume. I couldnt find anything he liked and the costume store was a mad house. So he just ended up buying some special effects make up to make him look like a zombie. I already had my costume, someone dared me a few weeks ago to dress up as batman. So I took the dare. Jinxx and Sammi were dressing up as Charles Manson & Sharron Tate, and Jake decided to be Robin because every hero needs a side kick so he says. I walked outside into the living room in my costume.

''holy shit you really did dress up as batman,'' Jinxx said.

''I think I look spiffy,'' as I fixed my cape. Jake said he would meet us at the party. The party was being thrown by Marti. I actually got to know this guy very well after everything that had happened. I only knew a few people here. Thats when I saw Steve. Sammi told me they wouldnt remember at all or they will say they met me somewhere.

''Your Steve Juliano right?'' I asked as I walked up to him.

''That be me, and you are?'' he asked.

''I'm Andy Biersack, I have a band and I enjoy your band music and was maybe wondering if we could do a tour together?''

''Oh your the guy Marti hit driving, I've heard of the band your in, your like the next big thing well thats what he says, fuck yeah I'm down to touring with the band and you,'' I sat and talked with Steve for a while. He was such a fascinating person to me.

''Sorry to interrupt my story but I feel like I know you somewhere Andy,'' Steve said.

''Maybe we knew each other in a past life,'' I said smiling. Steve shrugged his shoulders and continued with his story. I saw a flash of bright purple hair out of the corner of my eye. I knew who it was. Sammi never told me if I would ever meet Artesia again and if I did if she would remember me. I walked up to her.

''Do you have a cell phone?'' I asked her.

''No I dont why?'' she said.

''I want to call god to tell him one of his angels are missing,'' I said smiling. Artesia just laughed.

''Wow that has to be the cheesy pick up line ever, whats your name?'' she asked.


''Let me guess I'm really good at this, its Artesia McCarthy?''

''Woah yeah thats right, so why did you feel the need to use that pacific cheesy line,''

''Well if I would had said did you just fart because you just blew me away what would you have said to that?''

''To be honest I like that line better,'' she said. I decided to ask the big question.

''Who are you here with like your brother or some girlfriends?''

''Actually my brother and my boyfriend is the one throwing the party Marti?''

''Oh yeah Marti he is such a great guy,''

''How do you know him?''

''Remember the accident he got in?'''

''Yeah I felt so bad for the guy in the other car and Marti, he usaully wouldnt drive drunk, but I guess someone upset him at the party and he got up and left the party without calling anyone,''

''I was the guy he hit, so don't feel bad for me,''

''Oh your the infamous Andy, I'm glad I finally got to meet you,''

''Me too, Marti never told me about you, your really beautiful,''

''He isnt the one to brag,''

''I'm going talk to some other people, catch you around,'' I said walking away. A piece of me died on the inside to know she wasnt single. I sat out on the porch and lit a cigerrette. Sammie followed me outside.

''I'm sorry about Artesia not being single,'' she said.

''Ah it's okay, I always got this pit feeling she never felt the same way,''

''She did feel the same way believe me, when I was with her that night all she talked about was not seeing you die,''

''He works in mysterious ways,'' I smiled

''Do you think you'll get a chance with her?'' Sammi said. I chuckled when she asked me this. She should have known the ansewer but instead of giving her a smartass remark.

''If you love them you'll let them go,'' is what I responded back to her.
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I hope you all like the ending. I had way too many endings for this story and I chose this one! Not what you guys expected huh? leave comments if you loved or hated the ending.