Status: finished.

Pretty Artificial

The Win.


“Oh my God, you look so sexy,” he practically moaned the second the door was closed, pressing me up against it. Then, his lips were on mine; touching everything, sending shivers down my spine. It took everything I had to push him away, growling, “No.

I shoved him harder, my frustration and anger growing quickly, my resolve returning. “It doesn’t work like that,” I hissed, and took a step towards him, bringing over faces closer. My eyes were liquid ice, “If you want me, you have to take all of me. You have to let me in. You have to give up other girls. I want you, all of you. But not until you take every piece of me.”

“You’re…” Stephen blinked. “No girl has ever said that to me before.”

“I’m not most girls,” I said, gritting my teeth.

I gasped at his lips, suddenly rough against my jaw line. My hands grasped his cheeks, bringing his lips to mine, molding my body to his in the same second. I loved the way he felt against me; like we were puzzle pieces fixing together to make a glorious whole.

My eyes widened a second later, and I shoved him away from me, breathing out his name scoldingly. “Stephen,” I said.

“Sorry,” he muttered, scratching his neck adorably.

“It’s okay,” I whispered, letting my fingers trail up his arm. He shivered; I smiled. I slid towards him, “All you have to do is say the magic words, and I’m yours…”

“Jasey, please,” Stephen exhaled in a moan as I fastened my lips to his neck.

“Those aren’t the words, Stephen…”

“Be mine,” he whispered feverishly. “All mine. I want you, every part of you. I want to date you,” Stephen ran his hands through his hair. “God, I think I even want to marry you.”

I smiled blindingly. “Well, I think you’re getting a little ahead of yourself.”

“I want you to have everything you should have,” he said, touching my cheek with his fingertips, a smile shining in his eyes.

“I want you.

Stephen opened up his arms, and I stepped into his warm embrace. He held me tight against his body, and I pressed my lips to his shoulder. His murmur tickled my ear.

“I think I can do that.”
♠ ♠ ♠
a happy ending, of course.