Arachne in Blunderland

My Killing Jar

Monday, January 16, 2006

How To Kill Me Without Actually Killing Me:

1. Tell me my favorite song is about drugs, not fairies like I thought.

2. Tell me you won't blow off your english homework to be gangster with me.

3. Tell me you have a girlfreind. Or that you refuse to date. Or that you're a gay male... That one works too.

4. Tell me I'm heartless.

5. Tell me to shut up.

6. Tell me I'm cookie cutter.

7. Tell me I'm not as weird as I think.

8. Tell me I'm pretty.

9. Try to sell me a dress in a size smaller than that which I wear.

10. Tell me I'm stupid for my various oddities.

11. Laugh (or act digusted) when I tell you I love/ like you.

12. Forget me.

13. Stake my heart.

14. Spit on me... Yes, that did happen once.

15. Believe me when I'm lying.

16. Choose 'a' on the multiple choice question.

17. And more!


I feel Cubicles for Miki.
