Arachne in Blunderland

Not the disco! Anywhere but the Disco!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

What is to be said about the last two days?

A lot.

I've been in and out of the hospital, off with Katie (who isn't imaginary! I swear! Daniel's met her... Oh, Daniel. I'll get to that in a bit.) I've gotten lost and banged up and I'm seeing arrows on my ceiling at night just like he said. I've worn skirts (ahem, bruises galore) and had my EMOtions go outta wack. Let me begin by addressing Mikki.

Baby, you're actually driving me mad and I haven't the slightest clue as to why. Maybe it's because I have myself believing that you're thoroughly disappointed in me (finally) and I realize that I really don't care. I don't want to care. I'm over whatever "unhealthiness"(as Bailey would say) I had for you and Mr. Macias and Mr. L are just way more worth it than the nothing with you. Oh, yeah! And I finally watched Ghost World. Let me just say that I got more feeling form FallOutBoy performing Dance, Dance! on SNL. Also, Panic! At the disco is absolutely amazing. They just... Wow. Why would you tell me to avoid that at all costs? I'm absolutely in love with it.

Now to Daniel.

I'm done. We've been drifting for quite some time and you've finally dealt the last blow. Literally. (My mother said you were lucky she felt bad for you or she'd kick your ***. which is quite comical, considering...) I will be that girl. the one you have mutual friends with, and see occasionally, but we won't be one entity (no more 'IllieAndDani') ever again. which is too bad...



I mentioned I was invited to a social occasion, right? that was super... Until Mr.Macias arrived. I knew it was a bad idea to invite him, but hey-- We did it anyways. And I honestly think I might be more for Mr. L right now. (Ah ha ha, I am Boris's dad. Ah ah ah. Boris isnot here, Boris isat school, ah ha.) As I told Ahleesah, I am so over my teen drama. And being attracted so thoroughly to Mr. Macias, totally kills any chance of leaving it behind.

Oh, another point I was after.

I'd like to detach myself from a few of my fiends, er, I mean, friends. Cases in point: Daniel, two of the three triplets, Bubbles, certain personalities of Eliz, and most of all, Myself. Now, I love you all, just not nearly as much as I pretend to. Daniel, your causes are above stated. 2/3, I really hate all your blah blah blah and annoying laughs and constant boy craziness. Just SHUT UP! Bubbles, you have no depth whatsoever and I really don;t give a damn about your boyfriend. I do owe you, but please, I need you to grow up. You'll be 17 in a couple months and I can peg you for 7 sometimes. Eliz, you just need to straighten your priorities and the personas you've created for others.)

But me?

I need a full overhaul. Don't try to upgrade me, just sell me on E-bay and buy a brand new Me. I'm not worth it. My entire person just sucks. I look like a giant waffle with too much butter, my personality and outlook on life is that of crushed tin can in the garbage, and my mouth spits acid at everyone. Even the people I'm trying the hardest to make love me. Just poison me or let me put a bullet in my skull...<Kidding. Maybe.

I really am a terrible person though.

So, I guess it's wrap up time... Lemme get some dialogue in though.

Ahleesah: I., you do realize he's RIGHT there?

I.: Oh, yeah. I can see him. How can't I look? He's beautiful, but being in the room {part sentence edited for content} with him makes me wanna kill myself. BangBang! Nah, I'll just go home, play my violin...*makes sawing motion over left arm*

All in room laugh

I'll chat more tomorrow... Or not.
