Arachne in Blunderland

Psycho Emo Geeks

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Five days, five days, five days...

I can handle it...

Handle it?


*Runs around with head on fire*


So kiddies, how are you?

Me? Oh, I'm alive to say the most.

I'm actually getting my unit ready for next Tuesday.† Not that they know it yet... I think I'll grab some of my soldiers and we'll watch it over here next Friday. You know, just in case they can't buy it. (Yes, lieutenant, that does include you for once.)

(Eye less than three all the weird extrovert kids)

Now on to the puzzlement that's not actually puzzling anyone...

Who is you?

It's _____, of course! Couldn't you tell? He's absolutely amazing. In the real way, not like _______ or _______! And yes, it's reality. I'm not imagining it this time!

Ugh, I don't have anything beautiful or strange this time either. But here's something to consider.

JP: Ugh, you like My Chemical Romance?

Me: Yeah, I really do. Have you listened? It's actually quite lovely.

JP: No, but that guy's hair rocks.


JP: Yeah, if I weren't straight, I'd say he was sexy and that I want to do him.

Me: *cracks up* You're not straight!

Hee hee hee...


^Inside joke, not a racial comment

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The little script is also something that actually happened... And he is straight. Well, I think so anyway... ???