Arachne in Blunderland

Irish Chicks Do it Better

My mother's hair was green when I got up this morning... I chose not to ask. My sister kept telling my I was a bad Irish girl because I was wearing black and black instead of emerald and lime. So I put on my green broom skirt and did a few steps... Though it wasn't exactly Riverdance approved. Heehee... You all do know about that don't you? My dance... Class?

I don't know, ya'll... I mean, I am proud of my heritage. I'm proud to be Scots-Irish. but i'd rather show it in the traditional way, not the americanized. That's not to say I'm going to walk around in gillies and start speaking Gaelic, but really... Green hair and monkey t-shirts? I don't see the beauty of this.

But the music pretty much rocks.

*Irish, but nobody's gonna kiss me*


_____'s back- Two days

Live on the Murder Scene- Four days.

I'm all-a-tingle!