Arachne in Blunderland

Who'd I'd Do This For Hey! Me or You?

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Ah, boys... You paid too much heed... So dark the con of a man?

Girls are demons.

Okay, my dear children, let's give it a run down. I know that Eliz knows I'm not in San Antonio. I knew about the trip to the mall in December as well. I also know that you two OBVIOUSLY don't know Eliz and I too well.

I was at Lizzy's birthday party on Sunday night was it? I got lost on the way to Joe's, went back to Lizzy's house, took some rather provocative pictures (I think Rena's into me...*gags*), kissed three different girls and watched Brokeback Mountain. Lizzy knew I'd be at the mall and why AND with whom. Of course, this wasn't the original plan...

The original plan was to stay away from ALL of you, save for Emily, and go bowling (not to see X-men, which sucked major ass, by the way). To go to James's party (not Eliz's and even more NOT to find porn, not to kiss people with duct-tape over my mouth, not to burn my finger and definitely not to get home at four in the morning). Oh, and I REALLY wanted to see ya'll at the mall as a piss-off.

So now that you're feeling just a little stupid for not seeing the most obvious and probably most asinine plan ever, I've got just a couple things to say...

For starters, I'm BLONDE not STUPID. Thank you VERY much. Secondly, I'm offended by the fact that I, a slightly attractive non- lesbian feminist, get more action at an all girl party than with my supposed boyfriend at one-something in the morning... *Ahem-ahem* Also, I'm looking into new bands thanks to this Wasteland thing so if anyone wants to hook me up, that'd be super.

Bout overall, summer's going pretty good so far... How unfortunate.


Oh, and Matthew, you know you want to. *winks*