Arachne in Blunderland

Time for a 'Bathroom Confessional'...

There was this boy... I met him a while ago... And when he walked in the room, there was this wow! You know? This- this BANG! Like I just had to be part of his life, like I had to get him to notice me, to love me, to... Whatever, you know?

He did.

He became it. He was that boy. We talked about nothing for hours, we conjugated verbs, we sang songs that made me want to just die, we were depressing and grey and just absolutely miserable... but we liked it. {And, on a slightly awkward note, he did this thing with his face and hands that just made me choke (and for those of you who know me well enough, you'll recall that I'm into that)...} And then there was the phone call.

We were on the phone for exactly 57 minutes.

In those fifty-seven minutes, he lost it. He ripped what was left of my heart out, he made me cry AND he refused to realize that I was right. I was in love... Of course, as most people of the male persuasion are, he failed to grasp that concept and went on in his stupidity about how terrible his life is and how he almost did it that day and explained the steps to his insanity.

A cry for help?

If you think you're life is so bad (yeah, it might be, so are most other peoples) and you feel like the world would be better off without you (which, if you're that selfish, it might just be), tell someone who has the means to help you, because suicide is not the answer and you shouldn't tell yourself that it is because hey!

Some one might love you... and it's just plain cruelty to ask them not to.


This is for giving up and this is for letting go. I never want to hear you say 'I'm sorry'... You're not sorry. You're just wasting time before you say good-bye and I'm so over crying for you... It's not my fault. IT'S NOT MY FAULT! I tried! I tried! But do you give a damn?! do you care about me or anyone other than yourself for that matter!? Don't apologize... You're just another bad choice.
