Arachne in Blunderland

White Horses Dragged My Lover From Me...

Sunday, June 04, 2006

It's been a couple days, hasn't it, poppets?

Well, a-lot-a-things happened, not that I care to restate them all... No, some are just a little too painful... Physically instead of EMOtionally. Yay!!! But I guess you do get highlights.


Went to see NIN yesterday night... pretty rad! Trent Renzor actually is kind of a genius, I guess. Bauhaus was definitely more amazing though... Like glittering vampires with rock equipment and weird sunglasses... *swoons*

There were some pretty rad people in attendance as well. My new husband, Joe (he's a college student from Laredo that's following the band for the summer... Very quiet. Doesn't wear a lot of "JEWLERY" when he's in the pit.*laughs*), Walker and Angel, the weird bartender kid that I've met somewhere before (though neither of us can remember exactly) and his girlfreind, who's annoyed by everthing he says, Emily and what's-his-face, a couple from Kansas who work at a coffee shop, and Eva, one of the Spirals who insists that her daughter's father is Trent Renzor... She's a little insane... They've never even met.

On less concert-related notes:

My boyfreind doesn't know me very well, I can't sleep at night, I finally can call myself a true MCR fan, I'm going to end up murdering my sister, I ran out of cash again AND someone keeps calling my cellular device without a number.

But how are you doing?

*TrampledByIdiots and InSeriousPain*
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, 'white' not 'wild.'