Arachne in Blunderland

The Infamous Number Seven

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Number Seven... I can't believe you killed me...

In the past few days, I've come to no shocking conclusions.

I wonder why... Could it be...? No, it couldn't...

Thursday things were said to me that felt like knitting needles through my skin and into my forehead with ugly blue yarn is the word 'normal'... Can I just say 'whoever they make me isn't who I am'?

Yesterday could be considered better. Went to a few hours of hell, came home, partied with D., took care of my midget...

Last night was so very... Well, I don't know. We went up to Ridgmar to see Underworld, and made the mistake of buying our tickets prematurely. While sitting outside(it was quieter), we heard someone say 'Oh look, it's an EMO convention.'

Wow. It would seem that in my delusions I failed to get it. Everyone is exactly the same. There's no point in defending the anti of it because we all have the same one. I looked at the mass of teenagers before me and saw only two people... A whiny girl in too much make up and some loser boy hoping to get her into bed.


So, it would seem that teen pregnancy is down... But drug rates are up. Smoking is down, but profanity is sky rocketing. Hair is longer, skirts are shorter and parenting skills are at an all time low...

Hip hip hooray for America.

And in this where am I? I'm one of these spoiled idiots. And whether you want to admit or not, you are too. We are what we've sworn to despise and we aren't the 'individual' or 'unique'. We are exactly like a million other people.

I had so much hope for a revolution... And there was a time when I would have been happy with this, but alas... Where did it go? I can no longer say that I don't care, that I'm okay with everything.

I want to say that this is your fault, Number Seven. Entirely. You just had to say nothing so that I'd say that. SPEAK! And now, I don't feel the same... It's gone... That... Whatever it was... I'm suddenly annoyed with the very thought of you... Wow.

This was not the entry I'd intended, but I can't say I'm sorry.


I think I wanna...

We could do that.