Arachne in Blunderland

From Outside The Hotel Narcisse

There are no substandard motels here. Those are on the corner of Fourth and Freemont. Not that it matters. No one's in it. No one I know anyway. But for some strange reason, I can't help but think that inside somewhere, someone's making a drug deal. Someone's having sex. Someone's about to poison their new boss because he's a pedophilic bastard and this is doing the world a favor.

And what a wonderful world it is!

In this world, there are the people you'll never meet and the ones you'll wish you hadn't. The boys you'll wish you'd kissed, the girls you'll wish you kicked and the men who you should've killed when you had the chance. When he came into your room that night (and it wasn't the first time) and did things to you...
There are diseases to be avoided and places you should never go. There are illicit substances and people willing to hurt you so they can make a buck.

What a wonderful world!

You will fall in love with the wrong one, over and over again. You won't find your 'soul mate'. You won't find forever. You won't find perfect. But you'll find lust. You'll find anguish and sorrow. You'll find regret. And if you haven't found it yet, well, you haven't been looking.

Such a wonderful, wonderful world...