Arachne in Blunderland

We could wash down this engagement ring...

With poison and Kerosene!
We'll laugh as we die
And we'll celebrate the end of things
With cheap champagne!

Well, it finally happened... I can't say I'm upset... Just a little on edge.

Tonight, tonight, tonight, I'm headed to Bubbles's where I'll talk about things I couldn't care less about with a couple (and by a couple, I mean three) people who feel the exact same about me.


But we'll eat cake and drink tea and laugh at Emmy because there's something wrong with her brother. And Eliz will rock it out with me because she's more amazing than anyone gives her credit for.


Today has started out yellow... And damn! I hate yellow.


Sparkle, Sparkle, Little Spider...

I wish I knew just what you are...

Because you're here religiously. You compliment unknowingly. You smile and you speak and you don't let me feel like I'm not worth it, like so many before you.

So what exactly are you?

Because I haven't got a clue...

And last night, when I said I hated you...

I don't think I meant it like I normally do.