Arachne in Blunderland

"Everything else is Vaudeville."

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Sweet, sixteen and could it be?
She's never been kissed either?
Well, maybe that should be remedied,
Don't you think, my dear?
We'll leave you all alone,
Talk about things she's heard before.
Two, three, we leave, so get up and GO!

Bittersweet, sixteen, and could it be?
I've never been kissed either?
Well, that's a partial lie, but who am I,
To deny what's partially true?
And even if it has to be you,
I cannot say I don't want it.
Two, three, they're gone, close my eyes and...

Two sides of a first kiss:
Was it a hit?
What if a miss?
What if it never really happened at all?
Because she won't lie if you ask her,
But she won't tell you if you don't.


Tonight was a fabulous night in a way only a fabulous night could be...

Does that make sense?

And those of you that were there, did you have as much fun as I did?

No, because you're not in love with Will. Or Will's comic books.

♠ ♠ ♠
No, she didn't. (Not until October.)