Arachne in Blunderland

Freinds Don't Let Freinds Have Freinds.

Monday, June 26, 2006

The following is an actual conversation. It took place about one hour ago (or three). We were watching a movie that won't be named lest I come out looking intro.

"Blech! Liam, you taste really weird. Like, I've had make-up that's tasted better."
"You ate your make-up?"
"No! I licked a Triplet."
"A who? Nah, doesn't matter."
"So then, why do you taste ew?"
"Because I've been wearing a lot of Duct-tape..."
"Uh-huh... Wear? Where?"
"Well, right now, I've got a bit on my nipples... But usually as a wrist band."
"Nip...ples? Really?"

At this point he pulls up his shirt which says 'I don't need your freinds, I've got my own'.


At THIS point I rip it off. He screams.

"OW! What the fuh!"

Yes, just 'fuh'.

"I think you ripped out my chest hairs!"
"You don't have any."
"Not any more!"
"You never did!"

Awkward silence.

"Wait, why would Duct-tape make you taste bad?"
"I've had it on for three days."

Yep, he's a strange one... But he's pretty and he colloborates on a lot of artsy things with me...
Though I still can't figure out why he's scared of cameras...
