Arachne in Blunderland

If Only You Were Lonely...

Two and a half years.

Thirty months.

One- hundred and twenty weeks.

Eight- hundred and forty days.

Twenty- thousand, one hundred and sixty hours.

And she's had him for about half that time...

Don't tell me it's fair.
Don't tell me it's okay.
Because I told her that I wanted him one-million, two-hundred nine-thousand, and six-hundred minutes ago.
But she still went after him.
And she got him.

She got him.

For about fifteen months she's had him now...
And through all that time I've listened to her say she loves him and I've watched her kiss him (which still makes me sick. And that's not an exaggeration, it makes me ill). And, I've seen the way she looks at other guys and falls for them and I've listened to her complaints, worries and 'oh my gods' and more often than those even, her threats to break up with him.

So do it.

You know, it's kind of my fault. I mean, I have been... Distracted, to say the least, but does that cancel out all feelings and suddenly make it okay?
Because I wouldn't have done it.
No matter what you think of me or the situation, I would not have gotten into it.
Because I'm a better friend?
No. I'm a pretty bad person.
But I have her marked pretty high on my list.

Now, her mom knows. Maybe not how long, or how... Er, hard, but she knows just the same. And I told her that I want to be happy for her daughter, that I want my friends to be content and find their teen-age romances, but...

Does that make it all okay?
Is it okay that she completely disregarded me?

Of course, I know you're all saying that it doesn't matter what I think if he's stayed with her that long. That he's obviously not interested in me.

But isn't he?

Is it always easy, Richard, to say he doesn't look at me that way?
That's he never come off as more-than-friendly?
Missed syllables?
Not so subtle references to me?
Or all the things we have in common?

As I told Callie, they have what? Three things?

Music. Or at least *some* music...
'God.' Though I get the feeling he only shows up for the scene, where she's actually into it.
And... Er...

I could've sworn there were three...
Ah, well...

And he must have something over me because, I mean... Hawthorne Heights? Really?
