Arachne in Blunderland

Illie, you know pirates can't fly, right?

Saturday, July 15, 2006

I sometimes wonder if I am considered beautifully strange or strangely beautiful... I'm guessing the first.

Two boys (well, one was actually a man, which wigged me out...) came up to me in the mall today. They asked me if I was interested in them, if I wanted to go out... It was freaking weird. I mean really, folks. WEIRD. I mean, I wasn't wearing make-up or anything. And those of you (Ahem-ahem Patrick! Ahem!) who've seen me without it agree that I'm a bit frightening.

The first was an at least 27-year old 'gangster'... He kind of made me want to puke all over the clearance shirts in Hot Topic. I told him that I had a boyfriend, which is neither fact nor fiction.

The second was much closer to my age and style but, and this was probably a good thing, had less than pleasant grammar (that's G-R-A-M-M-A-R, Richard... hee) skills. I can't associate with less- than average speakers of the English language.

I don't know why I thought to put that on here... You can disregard it if you're so stricken to do.


We, and by 'we' I of course mean 'I', have done things that were slightly out of character this week.

Thursday we went fishing with boys we appear to be unable to stand. Did you know we knew how to fish? We're actually not that bad at it (and according to such boys, it makes us hot). Plus, we got free Starbucks out of the deal (probably because we're hot at this point), which always rocks.

Friday we redid our only (at the time) My Chem shirt... The sleeves will have to be re-redone, but that's not a problem. We also rocked out at the top of our lungs in front of mirrors... We're really not terrible, though, of course, we could be improved upon. We also found out from credible sources that Gerard uses women's deodorant... Secret, perhaps? It's not a big deal. We use AXE after all.

Today was a most glorious day for swag. We'll be receiving two new My Chem shirts, several new earrings (which are almost pointless do to our hair), a fakie rosary, 'The Amazing Button Machine' and the medallion from the first 'Pirates' which opens to reveal CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow's portrait for our bittersweet sixteenth birthday. Exactly two weeks away, my dear children... We don't expect any gifts... That said, we wear mens' large t-shirts and enjoy compact disks and cash. But you knew that, didn't you?

On top of this, we did the most peculiar thing of all. We ordered a Happy Meal. Now, before you judge us, we only did it for the toy. It's the damned cutest thing since the pygmy puff. A tiny CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow plushie. We're in love with it. We cannot look away. IT'S SO DAMNED CUTE!!! And it can too fly!