Arachne in Blunderland

Grocery Store, pt. 2

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A few days ago, you were transported into it's parking lot.

Admittedly, my dear, you were scared of breaking down.

But I whispered to you:


Why are you scared of something so mundane?

So you ran fingers through your hair,

(In attempts to look dead sexy, which of course, didn't work)

And you walked in, with a smile on your face.

And when you walked out, even after making eye-contact with him,

It was still there.



And Moms said it was expensive. This one was like... $15. And it's not the one where you just pop the little pieces of plastic together with paper in between.


I went to Rosa's last night with my family members... Somehow, we got to talking about my lack of boy... (I'm not lacking, I'm a slightly feminist fat chick... They don't REALLY make boys for me.) Anyway, in conversing of this we found that over eighty percent of the people I know are homosexual or might as well be...

It makes me feel like a part of my generation.


My sister spit on me last night. It was gross. I screamed. Moms told me to calm down, she didn't do it on purpose.

Yeah, okay. She just walked over, stopped, spit on my face, and walked off without the slightest clue she'd done it. THAT makes sense.

She did not get reprimanded in any way because when Moms asked her about it, she said she hadn't done it at all.

This happens a lot more than I'd like to admit.

I mean, and I have witnesses, the child is incorrigible. She does whatever the hell she wants and never gets punished. EVER. It's because, and I know this is very typical older sibling of me but, she's the 'baby'... Funny. I thought she was seven... Not two.

Do your parents live in a mirror world too?
