Arachne in Blunderland

Do you like that? Do you like that?

After last night's strange, though uninteresting happenings, I came home and had most awkward dreams...

All of them seemed to have something to do with gangs... Or, at least, things that can be associated with gangs... Like High School.

- Mikki (who was wearing the most kick-a** green-rimmed glasses) stopped me in the hallway and said things I'd rather not repeat here. Though some of these things are those which I've been dying to hear forever it seems, I didn't care. I just looked at her and said 'Could've.' Then walked off. I'm not quite sure what any of it meant, but I felt really off-white afterwards.

- I was in one of my favorite places (the parking garage) wearing clothes I've only worn for imaginary funerals and music videos before. There was a small silver car and I'm guessing this garage was attached to apartments because after only a few steps, I was in one with who I assumed was the boy of the moment. I'm sure at this point, had I been slightly more awake during this dream, things I would never commit to paper, website or otherwise would've happened. But, as I wasn't, bullets started flying through the walls, hitting the bed and mirrors, but never killing me or this unidentified boy. He rushed me into his car, (which now was outside next to a carousel) and we rammed it into the shooters then took to the highway. I also have no clue what this meant, but hey. There it is. This one felt much more moss-colored.

- Finally, there was one I knew I was at least semi- awake for, and I therefore had control over what happened... Which also means I can't say what happened in it... But I will say that Illie+ Will= really wrong, but in a good way. And that it was definitely a red- worthy dream...


In nine days, I'll be worthy of teen-movie-dom... That said, it's the last thing I want.
