Arachne in Blunderland

Late Night Phone Calls and Instant Pirate Soup

I believe that the is a hormone or other bodily chemical that caused everyone to get 'mad with the heat' last night... Or it could just be the that we've all reached the point of BANG.

Before I explain, allow me to take a step outside. Maybe sit in the chairs or walk along the flowerbeds' edges...


Now, that's better, isn't it?

After watching her ignore, and thereby annoy, him for what? Two hours? I went home, talking hushedly with Callie about how very insensitive she was being and upon arrival, I ate a rather good Tofurky sandwich and did the dishes. All quite normal. Then Frankie starts-a-beeping rhythmically.

Caller ID says it's Will.

This is the first time such parties have ever called me, though that's not to say we've never done this phone-talking thing before. Anyway, the poor, beautiful boy is highly distressed as to what his darling Bubbles may or may not be thinking. It progresses until she calls him on another line. He will call me back.

Three more times.

The last two times this is done, I will be amazed at how shamelessly people can flirt while trying to save their relationships with someone else. The very last time, I will wig out. "She started to get all 'Well, just call Illie, Will. I'm sure that neither of you mind.' She TOLD me to call you."

This can be taken in two ways, I think. It could be that he's simply obeying her, that she knows and she's pissed OR it may be that she didn't know he'd phoned twice before this...

I fell over as soon as we hung up for the evening.

Is it ever okay to go for a friend's guy? Even if they're at breaking point, if not broken?

This is not mention James in the least... He has a tendency to leave envelopes on my front porch... And that's all I'm going to say about that.


In other news, Saturday is on for five o'clock. I'm still not quite sure what me parents are doing though. So, you know, just watch out. Oh, and my final costume, which probably won't be, is Exxie. For those of you who don't know who that is, she looks just like DaniStar except with 'x's for eyes and a certain 'pubescent punk' quality... If you know that joke.
