Arachne in Blunderland

Gays, Rednecks, Assholes, Christians, Idiots... An

Monday, July 31, 2006

If you were not there, or in case you didn't know, Saturday was my birthday.

It was the first birthday that I actually felt older at the end of... It was as if when I was looking at myself, make-up smeared but existent, something left my eyes. It was still gone on Sunday and still seems to be...

I don't feel as sparkly as usual.

I'm not sure why it left. It's not as if something monumental happened at Main Event, Mimi's, home, or otherwise. Only typical boy-drama. Well, that's a lie. It wasn't completely typical. But...


I have written this about five times this weekend. Sometimes it was a lot of metaphorical blah, others very sentimental, flowery 'C'est la vie' bullshit... But what is it really that happened to me? Saturday, yesterday, any day?

I'm growing up. And that's sounds something ridiculous, but I am. I am. in every second, getting closer to whatever 'future' life will determine for me.

But wasn't I doing that all along?


On less depressing notes, my longing for 'new' music has been temporarily fixed:

AFI- Decemberunderground. Well, let me just say, the entire album has a feeling of sex about it... Though that could just be me. And the song 'Endlessly, She Said' makes me cry. I don't even know the words yet.

Aiden- Nightmare Anatomy. As I said before, they are something of a whiny wannabe-Goth Band that came out sounding like poppy repetitive Pubescent Punk more commonly known as Emo. Especially when one is half asleep, they cannot distinguish the end of one song from the beginning of the next. I'm still into 'Die Romantic' though...

Taking Back Sunday- Louder Now. Okay, so I haven't honestly (that is, while awake) listened to it yet, but it's probably going to be good... And I really like 'MakeDamnSure' so... Yes.

All these should at least hold us over until next Saturday at which time we will be attending 'Family Values'. Mmm... Deftones...