Arachne in Blunderland

So, you'd rather play video games than read about

Yes. Most definitely.

The days, my dear children, since my last question have been less than pleasurable:

- The Ghostmobile broke down and it ended up taking us about seven hours to get there... It was only supposed to take one or so.

- Lizzy doesn't seem to know how to turn the Perversion on and off. Now a bunch of the Moms co-workers think I'm some kind of sick, wrong sex fiend too... I love my friends but, well, that just wasn't right.

- When I went up to school yesterday there was a sign on the door saying that the staff was in a meeting until three. It was already three-thirty. So I waited, along with about ten other people (I actually snuck in around the side at one point and made it in but saw a janitor and figured it was safer outside... That place is like some weird video game fortress when you think it's empty). They came out around four-ten to tell us all that no one would help us... I have to go back for the third time later.

- My parents think I do nothing all day long. While I could do more, I do do things other than sit on my fat ass in front of the compy/ telly all day. Of course NOW isn't a prime example of this.

- I keep noticing exactly how self-centered I am. I think it's because I don't know anything about anyone else...

- I'm nightmaring again and it's getting worse.

Caught up?


Later on...

Catholic School

I have a tendency to pretend we go to a Catholic High School. It makes the superfluous and sometimes completely unprecedented rules and regulations feel 'normal', so to speak. Of course, this is only strengthen by the bumper sticker that came on my mom's Ghost and refuses to come off. So where do we go then?

'Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow'? No, no... That's a real place.

'Our Lady of Prolific Pregnancy'? Yes, that's viable.

'Our Lady of Explication'? That one's fairly accurate as well.

And why should we go to 'Our Lady of...'? Why not one of those schools that covers their Catholic-ness up? Why, even, a Catholic School? Tell you what, ask your friends, ask yourself, but here it is:

If your High School were actually Catholic or otherly Religious Group sponsored, what would they call it?
