Arachne in Blunderland

Now Watch As Her Corpse Falls To The Floor.

I am not afraid of being a junior.

I am not afraid of school.

I am afraid of going back and letting everyone see what a huge failure this summer was for me.

And I mean that really 'huge'...

-Emmy managed to lose a pants size... I managed to make all mine fit... Which is sad... Because I buy them a size big...

-I had three books to read for class. I only bothered to buy two of them... And in one of those, I'm only reading from page (leaves to go check)... Damn. I lost the book.

-Bubbles managed to stay with Will... I managed to obtain two stalkers and a 'just friends'... Which is sad... Because I had who I wanted only a centimeter away from mine.

-I spent entirely too much time playing video games and watching Happy Days... But it's really too hot outside and I only just decided that I'm actually going to get a job.

-I have become so exceedingly self-centered, arrogant, apathetic, and fat, I'm not sure I know who I am any more... Of course, I probably never did.

-BoVDani is having an affair with BoVHarry... Wait. That's not my fault or failure. Forget you heard!

-Several of the Lovelies managed to stay marginally pale of the skin... I managed to get orange... Which is sad... Because I was inside 99% of the day.

-I have had a nightmare or worse every single night this summer. Meaning I slept from one to five then six to ten... That's WAY too much sleep... Of course, that's on a bad day. I usually slept from three to nine-thirty.

-In the aforementioned nightmares, Rebecca had a tendency to show up and when this happened, it was usually not a good thing... No... It was usually very bad indeed.

I, my dear children, am not one of the Lovelies in ANY way... I should not be loved, befriended or complimented. I should be bound, gagged and thrown over the Brooklyn Bridge... And you, for you are all Lovelies, should be the ones to do this to me... This...

Or worse.
