Arachne in Blunderland

An Air of Negativity About Her.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

It is now eleven thirty-three at night.

I left my house approximately five hours ago.

But allow me to explain:

(phone rings)
i: Hello?

____: Yes, is this Illeana?

i: Greg?! What do you want?

G: Yo, I need you to do me a big favor. *explains*

i: Who is this girl? Wait, no, I can't... I've already seen it.

G: Please? *he begs*

i: (twenty minutes and a separate phone call later) Fine, I'll do it, but you owe me big time.

(end phone sequence)

I'd never spent much time around Jeff... Or is it Geoff? I'm not sure... Anyway, we went to Ridgmar with him so he could hook up with this girl... Somethingerather. She didn't show up for about an hour and fifteen minutes. And once she did, we lost Geoff (I like this spelling best) and Somethingerather to the masses of idiots going to these same locations/ movie theatres.
Apparently, it not only went bad, but he was pissed into a rage and ranted thus in a conversation sequence for several minutes until a certain 'Mike' came to get him so they could get wasted.

Eleven months, he said. Eleven months since he'd been laid and/or had a semi-decent girl interested in him. (Apparently this makes boys horny beyond all reason.) Now, while in such should-be-drunken company such as these, I didn't care to muse aloud, but...

If eleven months gets a guy to the point where he'll screw anything with a vagina (both Asian hookers and myself were mentioned, the latter, I'm ignoring as a joke), what do virgin boys feel like? And while I know one answer to this question, riddle me another:

Do boys feel the need to use their penises for less than PG rated things from the instant they hit puberty and is therefore why they pressure girls so much? Or are they just easy?

You hear girls called 'easy' when she has sex this way... Why aren't boys considered thus? If a girl were just out for a screw, she'd be labeled 'slut' and much much worse... Why aren't males?


It's now eleven fifty-four at night.

I got home about fifty minutes ago.

After getting rid of Somethingerather and Geoff, Greg and I made the drive home. And I must say, while it's nice to be thought beautiful, it'd be nice to be told this by the right people.
But Greg, in his messed up way, was very sweet. And by this, I mean he let me yell at him about most of the reasons my life sucks. We even went through all the romantic events of my life, not really knowing what, exactly, was wrong with them.

Geoff. I kind of liked him, despite his criticism of my sound. But then there came the complaints of mot being drunk or sexed up... I can't take that blah.

Anyway, I had a point with this section, but I seem to have lost it somewhere...

If I find it, I'll tell you.


School is absolutely horrific. No more Illie not turning in her homework and still managing to pass... It's Illie turning almost all of her homework in and failing now.

English 3 AP with the Leech.
APUSH with an aged Mr. Clean.
'Pre' AP Physics with an Oompa Loompa.
Algebra 2 with the self-proclaimed 'Wicked Witch of the West Side'.
BCIS with Mrs. Incorrect Grammar
French 3 with a Hippie Lady who prays to her filing cabinet.
Newspaper with the Evil Green Bunny... Oh, and have I mentioned that I'm an editor?
And the we're back to Oz.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006


In two days, tomorrow will be yesterday.
Every minute is a minute away.

And today?

Today is the first day of the worst of your life.
Or 'the rest' for you optimists...

I hope you don't burn in our Hell today.
