Arachne in Blunderland

Five AM on the Bathroom Floor from the Night Befor

I am sick.

There's not really anything wrong with me, but I am ill.

I know why I feel this way, and call me melodramatic, but this is the first time in a long time I've been thus, so bear with me.

I am alone.

All I really want is someone to hang on to when I need to but...

I don't.

I can't.

This is why I cried when I found out about Daniel's... 'Lover'... Last night. This is why I was so jumpy (literally, jumping up and down) after I saw Mikki today.†

This is why I died a little when Mrs. Allen changed my schedule.(which means Lizzy can't be mad at me anymore)‡.

This is why every second I live is like every other second.
When I laugh, it's because I know that I should.
When I smile, it's because I'm being polite.
And if you get me yelling, it's because you're used to me yelling.

I'm doing this for you.

But, I, my lovelies, am afflicted.

It's like I'm vomiting non-stop, without that taste...

That said, I did actually vomit a little after lunch... But that's because I ate. (Did I mention my so-called 'diet'? By diet, I mean eating exactly one thing once a day.)

But I promise that I'll eventually be okay.


And by the way, Sophomore boys are meant to be kept as pets, not lovers. Because Nigh School, like Ohio, is NOT for lovers.

† I am the biggest dork when it comes to Mikki, but I have to say that if it were legal, I'd kidnap, drug, and marry her. (Kidnapped and drugged only so I could keep her... She's taken, of course.)

‡I have come to the conclusion that, like Geoff, I don't like Eliz. She's being a whiny little bitch and I really don't give a damn about her stupid feud with Katie because contrary to Eliz-Doctrine, Katie is exceedingly polite. and because this is all she'll ever talk about, I think that I might have to disown her for awhile. (And unlike Avril's Disownment of me, it's more than five seconds long.)