Arachne in Blunderland

SEX SEX SEX!!! (Betcha noticed the title this time

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I have had a considerable amount of time to think about the contents of this post seeing as it will be the only thing you'll hear from me outside of school for at least week... I even wrote a draft... But guess what?

It's not what I want to say anymore.

So sit back, relax and prepare yourself for pure honesty... You might want to stop at the concession stand first though, I have a feeling this will take a while to let out.


If you don't want to be called a lesbian, keep your relationships with girls platonic.
If you don't want your friends to puke upon seeing you, don't put unaccepteds in accepteds only positions.
If you don't want to be called 'Howard', make sure your teacher remembers that you exist.
If you don't want Mrs. Leach to gouge your eyes out while you fumble to find a techno radio station, don't sit in Ian's car (though his ears ARE lovely) for more than ten minutes at a time.
And if you don't want to ponder me for very long, comment now and close this window.


Should you fight for what/ who you love?
What if you don't know for sure that you love them?
What if it's likely that they cannot understand that love?
What if your friends are utterly against it because they're scared for YOUR well-being? For YOUR sake?
What if you're the perfect boy and deserve better?
What if this 'lover' makes the past ones, gender persuasion aside, look magazine-worthy?
Should you fight for more fights?
Should you let yourself lose?
Should you stop?

Physical Properties of High Schoolers

Boys don't like me.
Girls don't like me.
Straights don't like me.
Gays don't like me.
Imaginary friends don't even like me.
How then, am I to get up to date with my generations sexual experience?
How am I going to get touched inappropriately?
How am I going get pressured into going to far on prom night?
How am I going to get kissed (by someone other than... Nevermind. That'll only increase my lesbianic reputation...)?
How am I going to get my hand held even?!
I am not celibate by choice and I don't really preach abstinence, but to look at my 'track record', you'd never know.
Also, on a slightly different note, there is no such thing as 'bisexual'... Homo or hetero, it's your pick, love.


I am an Editor for the X-Rated High School Times.
But, if one were to look anywhere in the Newspaper 'office', you'd never know it.
My name is not on the 'mailboxes'... *sighs*
I told you I'm part of the wall.
On to a happier moment though!
I'm probably going to the Midland game. And if I do, I'll be able to get a reporting job of sorts for a real paper. How awesome is that?!


Not just a hamster anymore!

Goat Sacrificing

Am I committed enough for Key Club? Do I want to take that plunge? Do I want to drink sacrificial goat blood and join their cult of do-gooders? (No,I'm seriously asking.)

The Black Parade

Are you okay with it? What about Gerard's new hair?

Three Questions You Are Required To Answer

1. How would you label me?
2. What songs remind you of me?
3. Why do you care what I think?

And that's all for this week, poppets. I expect at least four comments before my next rant, so hop to it, okay?
