Arachne in Blunderland

I Don't Care If I Can Breathe Tonight

I am an idiot.

And this time, I don't think it's my usual idiocy...

But last night was amazing.

And not in the way that you or my parents are thinking.

That comes later.

There is a thing, I'm told, called romance.
I'm told that it doesn't involve craft stores.
It doesn't involve coming up nearly $20 short.
It doesn't involve not having Chinese food (again).
It doesn't involve having your parents come home past midnight to find you jumping off the couch, your necklace on the floor and the dishes not done.

It doesn't involve anything so pedestrian.

I know. I've seen chick flicks.

But I think I'm in one. Cracked and marred as it may be.

It did involve stealing ribbon and violins.
It did involve burning ourselves repeatedly.
It did involve his heartbeat.

And above all things, it involved my parents saying that they don't enjoy coming home to their daughter making out on the couch past midnight.

Even though their daughter has never been kissed.
Even though their daughter is celibate.

"I was a teenager once," she said. Well, yes, I'm sure she was. I am a product of this adolescence. But I'm not like her. I am nearly the opposite. I am, in a weird way, clean.

I wonder if it's worth it.
