Arachne in Blunderland

Consequences of the Freak Dance Patch

I am not scared of the Dark.
I'm scared of what I see and feel in it.

I am not scared of myself.

I'm scared of the things I think, feel, and do.
But above most things, I am not scared of mirrors.

Only the times when I don't see myself reflected in them.

The Other Me was there today.

The me that does not look, dress. or act like me.
The Anarchist, the Beautiful, the Lioness, the Strong version of me.

She does not appear very often...
Only in the presence of blood.
Because the Other Me is a vampire, if you catch my drift.

And I cannot love her.

I think she posessed me last night.
Because when she showed up today, she smiled.

I cannot love her.