Arachne in Blunderland

Beating you with a Lollipop stick

So, obviously, I didn't get to finish my thought in that last...

That last ditch at romance...

And, as it was suggested to me by Eri-san senpai, I don't believe in romance.


I believe in sex.

I believe in Human nature, and not the bright side of it either.

How's that, b****es?


So, other than my obvious confusion about things that only *counts on fingers* four people other than myself know the full extent of, it's been a pretty good week.

How about you?

Are you feeling alright?
Do you need a glass of water?
Some chapstick?
Cheap gasoline?
A burrito?

I'm here for you, lovely, whatever you need.

Just say the word and I'll lie.

Do you want to scream at the top of your lungs?
Do you wanna have a little... You know, with that guy down the street?
I'm listening.

I'm tired of me.

*Crackle, not snap or pop*

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Causes of The Freak Dance Patch

I think I've figured out why I did it.

And this is going to sound so hopelessly, tragically, sappily romantic that I'm not sure how it even came to be in my head, but...

I think I love you too much.

Or perhaps, not enough?