Arachne in Blunderland

Topless: May not be suitable for children... Or ad

[01 Dec 2006 | Friday]
Current mood: curious

You thought a little dirty when you read that didn't you?

It's expected. Be worried if you didn't. You are only human, afterall... (Unless you're David, in which case you're a hyperconcentrated ghost.) You're a slave to your sex drive.

Everyone is. Don't let them tell you otherwise.

You look. You see things your hormones tells you you want and you try or try not to act on these chemical urges, yes? You want to confess suddenly, to strangers, that you want to get in their pants.

How many people would you really do that with though? How many people, assuming you're somekind of romantic, would you really let be the friction in your jeans?

It's really a lot fewer than that. You should be able to narrow it down to about two.

And which one are you more likely to?

And can you believe you're listening to what a computer screen is asking you to do? The explicit nature of it? Go on...

How does it happen? Drunk and stupid one night? By complete accident? Or maybe, you've fallen in love and married? Dying wish? Date rape?

Where? Backseat of a car? Resort in Jamaica? Alley behind a club? Bathroom floor? Your bed?

Are you thinking of something else while it happens? Like chicken or homework or oh, god, what is my mom going to think?

Do you experiment or is it just straight- or gay- forward and to the point? Are you on top? Anything kinky? Handcuffs? Whipped cream? More than two?

Do you feel that little blush creeping up while you keep reading, yet you can't look away? You can't stop looking?

Are you fair? Do you last? Do you care? Do you know the difference between making love and f***ing?


Do you like being tortured like this by your computer screen? Do you like such personal questions from such an impersonal thing? Do you know who it is staring back from the other side? Are you comfortable with that person knowing that you're thinking about these things?

Are you?

Or are you still in your sick fantasy?

*The Doll-Eyed Llama*

(No, I don't expect you to tell me your answers. I'm not a pervert.)
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But I would like to know... ^_^