Arachne in Blunderland

Soap Opera Smile

[06 Dec 2006 | Wednesday]
Current mood: Awake or dead
Category: Writing and Poetry

About two years ago I sent a poem into this contest by my parents request... The place told me I rocked, they were putting me into a book.

I don't really care about it. The same thing happened to a certain non-friend of mine and his, in my honest opinion, was trite. Of course, I didn't recognize it as mine until I saw my name. All it did was remind me of him... The last person I wanted to think of. It was almost pleasant though... Seeing that I've changed, if not for better, for good.

There are about 200 poems in the book and only three caught my fancy... My own wasn't one of these. How sad on both accounts.

Good 'n Plenty- Ron Arendas

Sucking on romances like candy
I consume them
Pink and white
And sugar-coated
As though they will never end

But when I bite down
Expecting some final sweetness
I taste the core
Of bitter black licorice
And spitting them out
One after another
I don't know why I take
Anymore into my mouth
They all have licorice centers.

The Crayon Age- Patricia Ronkartz

There's no difference
Between the white ones
And the black ones
Or the red ones
Or even the yellow ones

It's all in your mind.

They all taste the same.

And finally...

Buyer Beware-Julie Mallory

I rented a space in your life...

It wasn't the bargain it appeared to be.
The rooms were full of old memories
in need of renovations and major repairs.
Past hurts had rotted the foundation.
Visibly adequate accomodations
were structurally unsound,
not meant to last.
Fragile bonding, vunerable
to the slightest pressure.

I'm returning the keys to this mess...

Keep the deposit.

That's the best I could find... Maybe you can do better?

*The Doll-eyed Llama*