Arachne in Blunderland

Vermillion: Slyann of the B

[14 Dec 2006 | Thursday]
Current mood: melancholy
Category: Life

I was hanging out in my cubicle yesterday when the remnants of someone else's caught my attention in their small cardboard box.

There was a sweater, pictures of a dog and some books... And a black and white compostion notebook that said 'Slyann of the B, above average'.

I am exceedingly Petunia Dursley when it comes to things such as this so of course, I read it.

Whoever Slyann was (I was later informed her name was Karen) she was... Quirky. A hopeless romantic obsessed with her own feelings towards 'Andrew', the subject of several of her poems. Her agendas were of strange places and titles (including 'storm trooper' and 'darth vader') all with phone number and times.

There were two diary entries as well, told from a nearly detatched PoV, about being in the hospital, waiting by 'her' bed... I assume it was her sister, as when I learned her real name, I also was told that her sister was a statistical suicide.

I wondered, and I know this is a little dramatic, if that by reading these things, I knew 'Slyann of the B' at all. I knew she loved Andrew more than her own life. That she wanted to be stronger than she was. That she went places that I can't be sure exist.

Naturally, that took another spin...

Do I know any of you? And when you read my idle wonderings, do you know me? Do you have any idea where I'm coming from?


But I love you.

*The Doll-eyed Llama*