Arachne in Blunderland

Oh my Gerard!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Ahem, this is a rant about My Chemical Romance. It's not for scenekids, anti-emos, anti-MCRmies or practically anyone I know.It's also not for the faint of... Um... The point is you've been warned.

Live on The Murder Scene, the 'documentary' on MCR's rise to fame with their most recent release, Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, hits store March 21st, 2006. It was originally set to be released on November 17th, 2005, but the band felt that the last leg of the tour (in the UK) had a place on the DVD/CD.

Someone kill me now! As soon as I purchase this set, and you all KNOW I'll have it by that Friday, I will be dead to the world for about three days. Now, the techies down at the MCR website understand this and have made it a point to keep me alive until I give them my cash. Oh yes, they're putting up two minutes of it a week.

Yes, I know I'm pathetic. But you simply don't understand.

I did loathe MyChem at one time. I was just another 'hater'. But alas, my mother was under the impression that I liked them and surprised me with tickets. And, honestly, I almost didn't go. But she looked murderous, so I put on my little plaid tie and black pants and drove out to Grand Prairie... Though, according to Mister G. Way, it was Dallas.

I was appalled by all the little middleschoolers and they're parents... But, as we later found, they were all there to see Alkaline Trio, who I actually DO hate. Oh, and we got some radtastically free Corpse bride posters. (thought I'd mention that.) Reggie and the Full Effect, who were something wonderful, played, then Alkaline... During their set I ran out and bought a T-shirt. You've all seen it, the white one with the roses and fake blood? I think I was the only person to buy it that night.

And then there was Bob... Kickin' it on his kit. And Toro and Frankie on the guitar. Oh, yeah, Toro's hair is a show all it's own and Frankie was about to fall off stage a few times. But he did get nominated for guitarist of the Year... Yay! And Mikey all sad looking, jamming on the bass.

And then... Well, then comes poppin' outta the twenty foot tall 'Stained glass windows' was Gerard Way, who in that second, with the painted on pants and noticeably awesome gloves, became something of an unhealthy obsession.

Well, maybe not in that second. But definitely when he had us pray... And even more so when he screamed at us the song 'Shut Up and Pray' and told us we were all liars for saying we'd been there in Jersey when he was smearing that grease on his face and scaring the kiddies.

But he was something sparkly and I was having those 'jet black feelings' nonstop. And I think it was a sign that they rocked my Hello Kitty hat off.

And now I have a wall I'm in the process of filling with them.

I had a point with all this... Um... Well, let's just do a quote and my icons and be done with it.

"'s okay to be screwed up."- Gerard Way, Live on the Murder Scene.