Arachne in Blunderland

Xo: What's that about 'love never wanted me'?

[12 Jan 2007 | Friday]

Looking back at romances I've witnessed, I wonder why anyone is so hopelessly for it.

I mean, let's take the most classic into view. Romeo and Juliet.

Both DEAD. Suicide.

Yep, that inspires hope into young teenagers (freshman) that fancy themselves old enough to tackle, sometimes literally, a less-than-platonic relationship. And then of course, to my opinion, we must add the factors of watching mother and Dave, being dumped for a guy, Adrian's death over Davis, the reoccurence that is Greg and several other unpleasant events.

Call me a cynic.

Maybe that's why I let even marginally good things go down the drain. Or perhaps it's part of the belief that there is nothing in the world but SEX and the things that come from it. Power, money... There is no love. But then there are those who make you want to believe there's something more.

Ones who make you think 'Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe someone can care about you for the simple fact that you're you and that's enough'. But you know what?

There's a reason they call those people HOPELESS romantics.

But I have told you before, fair reader, that no matter what happens in any situation, you must prevail! You must go on, feeling as you feel and living as you live and you must adapt in any way possibel because well...

Those romantics are all over the place and they'll get you one of these days.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

*The Doll-eyed Llama*