Arachne in Blunderland

Heaven Help Us: Someone save me!

[01 Feb 2007 | Thursday]

I wonder if I'm a good actress.

I know when to smile and I know when to cry. I know when to say 'I love you' and I know when to tell you good-bye. I know when I should be rhyming, I know when it's just not my place. I know that there are so many fantastic players on my stage...

Are they only pretending to love me?

It would stand to reason. I mean, with all the s*** (all seven colors of it, ha) I go through, even the small amount I drop upon ya'll is enough to make a pity party out of me. I don't want that...

I don't want to be weak.

I want everyone to believe that I'll be okay, no matter what. That I WILL PREVAIL! That I am as awesome as it gets and I will carry on, because, dammit, I have to.

I have to hang on for my sister and my mother and for you. And because I want him to think I am worth his time.

All of the hims.

So tell me, what part of the play is this?

Is this where it all changes because the son-of-a-b**** that made it hell is gone? Or is it just a continuation because Stephanie's still around?


I wouldn't mind naked Daniel Radcliffe in this show.

Will you try to help me, now that you know? Will you come up and hold me a moment and say "I'm on your side, just hang on a while"?

Because I'm sick of fair-weathered freinds, okay? I need a saviour. Jesus couldn't cut it. Can you? Can you at least try?

"Innocent" Bystander