Arachne in Blunderland

One Last Kiss(?): It's not vainity... I am talking

[21 Apr 2007 | Saturday]

I hate you...

Because everyone was right...

I wait and I hang on and I continue in those sticky pink circles, hoping, wishing, PRAYING even for something... And you always deliver. The wrong damn thing.

It Is Vicious. It is cruel... And you say you can't but you had it! You fucking had it! And you always let it go...

So let me go!

Let me somehow break away for your idiocy! Let me never think of you in this light again! Let me let you go!

Or see me!

See me...

I don't want to think this. But hey! Why not? I say it all the time.

I love you... If I can begin to know what that really means.

And... Mama, I'm so sorry. Everything you told me was true and it wasn't until I heard that in his voice again I believed you.